Special Topics

The following section offers additional detail regarding a variety of features and functions within the application as well as information regarding integrating with third-party software and services. The topics found here may refer to previously discussed areas but are more specific regarding suggested procedures and use of the areas as opposed to a field-by-field description of a form, etc. Many of these topics are also accessible from the Special Topics sections of their respective Application areas (Point of Sale, Inventory, Maintenance, etc.).

Third-Party Integration

Accessing Files in Hosting

Archiving Data to Improve Performance


Auto Bill of Materials

Billing and Statements

Card Processing


Convenience Fees

Data Cleanup

Delivery Items

Setting Up EasyAP

ECI Mail


EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)

Fax Setup & Use

Foreign Currencies

General Ledger Overview

Gift Cards

Hardware & Peripherals

Historical Data and Reports

Installed Sales

Item Returns


Managing Taxes

Non-Stock Ordering

Payables Reconciliation

Physical Inventory

POS Assured

Purchase Order Builds

Rebate Tracking

Rental Management

Revolving Charges

Rewards Plus



Tally Items

Task List Management

VPN Support

Year-End Procedures