Item Maintenance

Use the Item Maintenance form (Inventory > Database > Item or (ALT-I) selection) to add, modify, or delete items that are in your company's inventory. Item Maintenance is available from the Database menu in a number of application areas including Point of Sale, Purchasing, and Inventory.

There are two components to an "item" in your inventory: common and branch. We use the term "branch" in the software to indicate an independently operating retail location maintaining its own inventory as well as certain other data.

Common Data

Common information (data) is shared for the item across all branch locations. Common information includes the SKU (item code or number), group/section, description, units of measure, and other settings. Changes to common information can be restricted by user security. Most common information is listed in the upper area of the form and on the "Common" folder tabs.

Branch Data

Branch data is specific to a particular location. This information would include quantities, pricing, and purchasing preferences. For multi-branch companies, items can be added to any branch location that the user has permission to access. When entering an item that exists in another branch location, the form completes using the item's master branch settings automatically. Changes (if any) can be made to the copied settings prior to processing with certain exceptions (the base unit of measure must be the same for all branches, for example).

You can add new items with quickly by using the Template (F5) or Catalog (F6) functions. The Import (F2), Wizard option can be used to add items using data from an outside source file such as a spreadsheet.

The form area (above the folders) has basic information about the item. This includes the item's code, text description, group/section (used for organizing inventory), and primary vendor. On-hand, on-order, and committed quantities are displayed as well as the item's established date.

Note: To learn more about Cubes as a way of managing volume information, see Using_Cubes_to_Calculate_Volume_for_Delivery_and_Storage.

Continue Mode

In Item Inquiry or Item Maintenance, the Continue Mode feature allows you to choose Next (F1) to move through similar items when performing a partial search. We have updated this feature to retain the item currently being viewed or edited when you choose Cancel (F9). When the form clears, immediately choosing Next (F1) will now load the previously viewed item rather than the first item from the search. In speaking with customers, this made more sense than the previous behavior.

Adding an Item from another Branch

To add an item to a branch where it doesn't already exist, sign into the desired branch location (or change your branch) and then enter the item's SKU in Item Maintenance from the Item field and press the TAB key (you won't be able to select the item until it's been added to the new branch). This references the "common" item and uses the first "store" record located to be used for any branch information. If you save the item, using the Process (F12) function, it will add it to the branch. You may want to first review and adjust item settings to match the needs of that location.


Inventory is organized into groups and sections. "Groups" are the primary level of organization, and "sections" are a sub-level within each group. Up to 255 groups may be created, and within each group, up to 255 sections may be defined. This provides tens of thousands of potential sections. Groups and sections have both a number (01-255) and description associated with them. When displayed, a slash "/" is used between the group and section numbers (group on the left, section on the right).

Consider how your company's current inventory is organized. Inventory might be organized based upon location (retail space vs. yard), vendor, type of product (paint, lumber, plumbing, etc.), or how it's ordered (hard goods, commodities, seasonal, etc.). Groups and sections are used in many areas of the software.

Here are a few ways groups and sections may be important:

  • Groups and Sections are used along with Automated Purchasing. It's a good idea for items that would be ordered together to be organized the same way in specific groups and/or sections.

  • Groups and Sections are used with Inventory Global Modifications. It's a good idea for groups and/or sections to represent items which share similar settings and preferences.

  • Groups and Sections can be used with many inventory reports. The importance of this depends upon how extensively and often such reports are used. Other considerations can often outweigh this.

  • Groups and Sections can be used along with E-Commerce (on-line, apps, etc.) to organize your product listing.

Use the special form Special_Form_Icon, located next to the group/section selection box, to add, modify, or delete group and section codes. For more information, click here.

On-hand, On-Order, and Committed Quantities

The on-hand is the current quantity in stock for an item. On-hand is not necessarily the quantity that is available for sale as some of the stock may be reserved for customer orders (see the "committed" quantity). On-order quantity represents the amount of the item that is currently ordered on purchase orders which have not yet been received. Purchase orders can be "saved" without marking items as ordered, so an item's inclusion on a purchase order is not necessarily going to mean that the on-order quantity has been affected. Committed quantity is the amount of this item that has been allocated to open customer orders.

These quantities are all represented using the item's BASE unit of measure. It's important to consider this when assigning units of measure to an item.

Purchase Order builds don't use on-order or committed quantities directly. The software also maintains the portion of the on-order and committed quantity that is due within a time period based on the item's days supply and lead time settings.

Important. Note: On-hand, on-order, and committed quantity amounts are not impacted by negative orders. This is by design, because if the item is returned, meaning there is something wrong with the product, the business would return the item to the vendor. Therefore, you would not include it in your on hand, on-order or committed quantities counts.

Using Cubes to Calculate Volume for Delivery and Storage

There is a measurement type, Cubes (cubic unit of measure), which you can use for delivery, purchasing, and storage calculation purposes. It gives you a way to estimate the amount of space a product will take up. You can use weight and cubes together to determine whether an order is sized appropriately for a delivery vehicle, or to determine whether the amount of storage space you have is sufficient for the items you are purchasing. Using Cubes can give you visibility into the dimensions of materials for Point of Sale and Purchasing so you can predict and adjust quantities for specific delivery vehicles and for your available storage space.

Cubes calculations are based on the base unit of measure for each item, calculated using the regional settings appropriate to your region (inches, feet, centimeters, meters, etc.). You use the same calculation method to determine cubic measurement: length x width x height (including packaging) to determine the cubic value per item. If you have already populated the Lumber/Timber/Sheet Dimension fields in the Measures tab of the Item Maintenance form, this calculation is provided:

Item Maintenance Form with Cubes Field Highlighted

Important Note: We do not enter this information for you, as only you can determine the appropriate measurement process for your business and products. We recommend that you consider this calculation carefully.

After you add a Cubes entry to an item in Item Maintenance, the application uses it to determine the cubic volume of the items you add in Point of Sale (data grid, folders, and documents), Purchase Order Entry, Delivery, Load Scheduling, and Truck Maintenance, whenever you use these features. We cover these updates in this section.

Note: You do not have to update every item in your inventory with this information. Small items (and you can decide what that means), may not affect storage or transportation that much. Consider the items you transport or purchase in large quantities for this feature.

Defining Cubes Entries

To include Cubes values in Point of Sale, Delivery, Purchasing, etc. you need to add the information to the item records first. The Cubes information you add there is used throughout the application to calculate the volume of the items you sell. It makes sense to use the same measurement unit (feet, meters, etc.) for all inventory items so the application can compare like values when evaluating space. Consider this scenario:

ABC Building Supply decides to use cubic feet (or meters) as the appropriate Cubes measure for their business. When considering the products to sell, they could look at how they measure their inventory to determine the appropriate cubic measurements and use a variety of strategies:

  • for lumber, if you use a base unit of measure of EA, you could divide the board footage for an item by 12 (feet) or 10 (meters)

  • for insulation, you could use the cubic foot/meter value directly from the supplier

  • for sheet goods, which may also use EA as the as the unit of measure, you can use an online calculator tool to define the cubic measurement, like or

  • for any item type, you can do the math: Length (ft/m) x width (ft/m) x depth (inch/mm) /12 or /10

It makes sense to use the same “units” of measure for all your items that you want to quantify by cubes.

Before you get started, consider these guidelines:

  • Base your cubes calculations on the Base UM of the item.

  • In general, the cubes calculation is Length x Width x Depth of the base unit of measure plus any packaging that may affect the dimensions of the item for storage or delivery

Using a uniform measurement type allows the application to apply the same measurements when you request space assessment for delivery or storage.

When adding Cubes for Unit Tally items, set the Cubes entry to include the Cube values that tally item is based on.

Item Maintenance Form > Cubes Entry for Unit Tally Item

Item Maintenance Form > Base Unit Tally Item with Associated Tally Item Cube Entry

Adding the Cubes Values to Items in Item Maintenance

B-108622 – After you decide how to calculate the Cubes values for your inventory items, you can add them to the Cubes field in the Item Maintenance form. Anyone with inventory entry permissions can add Cubes entries.

To add Cube values to an item:

1. From the Main Menu, choose Inventory > Database > Item to display the Item Maintenance form.

2. In the Item field, select the item you want to update.

Item Maintenance Form > Cubes Field Highlighted

3. Using the length, width, and depth values of the base item, calculate the cubes value for the item.

4. In the Cubes field, enter the result of the cubes calculation or use your own process to quantify the Cubes entry.

5. Choose Process (F12) to save the Cubes value.

Disabling or Deleting an Item

A menu marker Menu_Marker_Icon exists (if security is enabled) providing a "Delete Item" function. If used, this function either changes the status of an item to "disabled" or it will delete the item. The "disabled" function is used in place of deleting an item from the database when the item has activity preventing deletion. Disabled items don't appear in selection lists or reports (except in the database area).

Actual deletion is only allowed in certain cases when an item either has no activity or no recent activity. Deletion removes the entire item record from the database.

To Delete an Item, the following must be true for All Branches where the item exists:

Current Year Cost must be Zero

Current Year Sales must be Zero

Current Year Usage must be Zero

Previous Year Cost must be Zero

Previous Year Sales must be Zero

Previous Year Usage must be Zero

Current On-hand must be Zero

-- and --

No Open Ticket Documents Containing the Item

No Open Customer Order or Online Order Documents Containing the Item (and Zero Remaining on-order)*

No Unsold Quote or Online Quote Documents Containing the Item No Transfer (Not Received Only) Documents Containing the Item

No Unapplied Price Update Documents Containing the Item

No Unapplied Sale Price Documents Containing the Item

No Purchase Order Documents Containing the Item unless the Item is Closed.*

No Open Item Returns.

Restrictions are in place in order to maintain the integrity of the database and to prevent issues accessing current data by users. Deleting an item removes the item from the inventory tables (InventoryStore and InventoryCommon), but doesn't remove the item from most other tables that may have references to the item. Documents should not be affected unless the document references data from the inventory tables directly. It is more likely for reports to be affected since they use current data and do tend to reference inventory data directly. Deleting items shouldn't cause errors; however, in the unlikely event that it does, you can temporarily re-add the item.

It is also possible to rename and merge items using the Merge/Rename Item utility.


This text area is used for entering or modifying an item's description. Descriptions can be a maximum length of 1088-characters. Every item actually maintains 3 separate descriptions: full, short, and search. The full description maintains the description "as entered" including special hidden characters such as line feeds and carriage returns. This description is usually divided into an array of individual lines of text that is used for either printing or display when all or most of an item's description is needed. The short description is the first text line of the full description and contains a maximum of 32-characters. This is used whenever a full description isn't idea such as in selection listings. The search description is the full description optimized for use with description searches. By optimize, we mean that the description is altered when necessary to remove anything that might prevent accurate matches on a word or phrase in the description. This requires removing sequential space characters as well as stripping out any non-printing characters such as line feeds and carriage returns.

Item descriptions are not branch specific. If you modify an item description and the item belongs to a material list, the description used in the material list will also be updated.

Primary Vendor

When applicable, it's possible for each branch (location) to assign a different primary vendor to the item. When initially adding a new item, however, the primary vendor designated will be the default for all branch locations at that time. After an item is saved, changes to the primary vendor can be saved for one or more branches. Primary vendor is useful as a reference but is also used by the Order Entry (Purchase Orders) transaction. Purchase Order builds can be processed so that only items with a primary vendor matching the Purchase Order are included. In addition, primary vendor is used when copying non-stocked items that were not previously ordered to a new purchase order.

Established Date

This date usually indicates the date when the current item was added to the database. This date is not specific to when the item was added to a particular branch (location), however. In some cases, if your inventory data was converted/loaded from a previous software/database, the date may originate from the converted data (established date may not be available in all cases).


Item Maintenance, like many utility maintenance forms, has a set of static folders. These folders cannot be minimized like the folders found in transaction areas. Greater detail about each folder tab is discussed in the following set of topics. Use the links below for additional information.














Import (F2), Wizard

The Import function's Wizard option allows you to either create new inventory items or update existing items using data from a file created outside the software (spreadsheet, delimited file, etc.). This feature is available from the Item Maintenance form (accessible from the Database menu in Inventory and other areas). The use of the Wizard is similar with either option; however, the fields and requirements are different. Choose Add Inventory to add new items or Update Inventory to make changes to existing items.

A few fields are required; however, most are optional. When applicable, default settings are used for any item fields that are not provided. A variety of Windows-based file formats may be used for importing items. For example, you can create an import file using Microsoft® Office® Excel® or some form of delimited text file. When using delimited files, it's best to use a delimiter character that is not found in the data (do not use a character that might be found in item descriptions or other fields, for example).

Microsoft® Access Database Engine 2010

Your computer must have the proper OLEDB drivers to open Excel and certain other Microsoft Office® files. Should you receive an error attempting to open Office files, please visit the following link to download the drivers:

Once you have selected the source file in the Wizard, you map the field names that correspond to the columns in your file that you want to import, supply a default value, or leave both blank to use the Item Maintenance form's defaults. Minimally, a user has to map or assign a default value to at least the required fields. Additionally, even though neither field is required, it is usually best to supply the "prevailing market cost" and/or "suggested retail" in your data... especially, if either or both are being used to calculate price levels.

Import From (Wizard)

Once a file has been selected, use the "Grid Mapping" panel to set either

  • (a) the column (such as F2 or F10, for example) to use for the field value -- or --

  • (b) a default value to use instead. If both the "From" and "Default" values are left blank, the Item Maintenance form defaults (if any) will be used when adding the item to your company's inventory.
    Remember to select any branches where the item should be added.

It's strongly suggested that you carefully review any newly added items after running the wizard to ensure that they operate as expected. There is no undo if you process and add items (there are sometimes opportunities to cancel during processing, however). Once added, any items you don't want would need to be manually deleted one-at-a-time.

Step Through vs. Update & Continue

When processing, you have the option of either "stepping through" or "update & continue." Stepping through processes each row in the "Preview Data" table one-at-a-time. "Update & Continue" processes all rows one after the next unless an error is encountered. Application or system administrator users have the ability to change the severity level on some task list items. The Wizard also has it's own task list that identifies certain issues prior to processing.

When using the "Step Through" option for processing, the Wizard will add new items until the listing is completed or whenever any Item Maintenance task list error or warning is encountered. If a task list is produced, processing will pause and wait for your response (choose "Accept Warnings" or fix the issue). Once all task list errors have been resolved, processing will continue immediately. To stop processing, you can use the Cancel (F9) function while processing is paused due to a task list error. If stopped, all wizard mapping and file selection will need to be repeated; this information is cleared once you cancel processing.

When using the "Update & Continue" mode for processing, the Wizard will continue to add new items until the listing is completed. If an Item Maintenance task list error is encountered, processing will pause; however, task list warnings are automatically accepted and are not displayed. If a task list error appears, processing will continue immediately as soon as the error is resolved. The only way to stop processing in this case is to use the Cancel (F9) function while processing is paused due to a task list error.

In either case, any time processing is stopped (by using the Cancel (F9) function), it will be necessary to repeat all wizard mapping and file selection if you want to again attempt to process the same file. Wizard information is cleared once you cancel processing.

If an item already exists or was previously added using the wizard, the following message is provided. Selecting 'OK' continues processing with the next sequential item.


Handling Errors

When you attempt to process, errors are reported in the data grid columns by an error icon. Hover over the icons to view details regarding the error reason. When any errors occur, an "Export Grid Errors" button is now provided. If used, this saves a copy of just the error data in a comma-delimited (CSV) file in the same directory where the original file originated from. If there aren't many errors, you can manually correct errors directly from the data grid; otherwise, we suggest saving the error data then removing the error data rows by selecting the rows and choosing either Delete from the data grid's context menu or pressing the "Delete" key on your keyboard. In cases where all the data has errors, it may be a better idea to choose "Cancel" and fix the data directly in the source file.


The "Export Grid Errors" button is provided for both the "add" and "update" features.

Add Inventory

Requirements and conditions for adding new items are different than those allowed when modifying (update). Please refer to the Item Maintenance Help topics for further information about settings. The following table lists all of the fields that can currently be imported to create new items (required fields are highlighted in red):



Description (for additional details about function, please see the Item Maintenance (database) help topics).



The primary alternate SKU for the item. Cannot match with any another existing alternate SKU or item. A maximum of 16-characters is allowed.



The primary numeric barcode (UPC) to be used with this item. A maximum size of 16-characters is allowed.



The item's BASE unit of measure description. Units of Measure must be defined from the Code Definitions area before use.



The merchandising class code assigned to the product (if any). Found on the Common, Codes tab of the Item Maintenance form.



The merchandising department code assigned to the product (if any). Found on the Common, Codes tab of the Item Maintenance form.



The item's description.



The merchandising fine line code assigned to the product (if any). Found on the Common, Codes tab of the Item Maintenance form.



The group number assigned to this item. Must be an integer between 1 and 99. Group Codes must be defined prior to use.



The code (SKU) to be used for identifying the item. Cannot match with any other existing item or alternate SKU.



The 1st of 5 possible keywords that may be assigned to this item. Keywords are listed on the Common and Select tabs in Item Maintenance.



The 2nd of 5 possible keywords that may be assigned to this item.



The 3rd of 5 possible keywords that may be assigned to this item.



The 4th of 5 possible keywords that may be assigned to this item.



The 5th of 5 possible keywords that may be assigned to this item.



The numeric Unit of Measure "From" value. This decimal value is used when converting quantities or pricing represented using the Miscellaneous (Misc) unit of measure to the equivalent value in terms of the BASE measure (and the reverse).


To convert a value (price or qty) from BASE to the Miscellaneous measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (MiscUMQtyConversion / MiscUMQtyConversionTo)


To convert a value from MISC to the BASE measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (MiscUMQtyConversionTo / MiscUMQtyConversion)


In Item Maintenance, this field represents the left-hand side conversion value for the Miscellaneous measure (listed under the "Quantity Conversions" section found near the bottom of the Measures tab). If a value is not supplied for this field, it will be assumed that the item's Miscellaneous and BASE measure are the same and both the "To" and "From" values will be set to one (1).



The numeric Unit of Measure "To" value. This decimal value is used when converting quantities or pricing represented using the Miscellaneous (Misc) unit of measure to the equivalent value in terms of the BASE measure (and the reverse).


To convert a value (price or qty) from BASE to the Miscellaneous measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (MiscUMQtyConversion / MiscUMQtyConversionTo)


To convert a value from MISC to the BASE measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (MiscUMQtyConversionTo / MiscUMQtyConversion)


In Item Maintenance, this field represents the right-hand side conversion value for the Miscellaneous measure (listed under the "Quantity Conversions" section found near the bottom of the Measures tab). If a value is not supplied for this field, it will be assumed that the item's Miscellaneous and BASE measure are the same and both the "To" and "From" values will be set to one (1).



The item's Miscellaneous (Misc) unit of measure description (code). Units of Measure must be defined from the Code Definitions area before use. If a value is not supplied, the Miscellaneous measure will be assumed to match the item's BASE measure.



This decimal value sets the Market Cost for the item. For new items, this is also used as the default for the last receipt and weighted average cost. The value used may include up to 4 decimal places. If no cost is supplied, the cost for the item will be set to a zero value. Additionally, assigning a zero cost can cause the item's price levels to be zero if the default levels are calculated using any of the 3 item costs (last receipt, market, and average cost).



The numeric Unit of Measure "From" value. This decimal value is used when converting quantities or pricing represented using the Pricing unit of measure to the equivalent value in terms of the BASE measure (and the reverse).


To convert a value (price or qty) from BASE to the Pricing measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (PriceUMQtyConversion / PriceUMQtyConversionTo)


To convert a value from Pricing to the BASE measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (PriceUMQtyConversionTo / PriceUMQtyConversion)


In Item Maintenance, this field represents the left-hand side conversion value for the Pricing measure (listed under the "Quantity Conversions" section found near the bottom of the Measures tab). If a value is not supplied for this field, it will be assumed that the item's Pricing and BASE measure are the same and both the "To" and "From" values will be set to one (1).



The numeric Unit of Measure "To" value. This decimal value is used when converting quantities or pricing represented using the Pricing unit of measure to the equivalent value in terms of the BASE measure (and the reverse).


To convert a value (price or qty) from BASE to the Pricing measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (PriceUMQtyConversion / PriceUMQtyConversionTo)


To convert a value from Pricing to the BASE measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (PriceUMQtyConversionTo / PriceUMQtyConversion)


In Item Maintenance, this field represents the right-hand side conversion value for the Pricing measure (listed under the "Quantity Conversions" section found near the bottom of the Measures tab). If a value is not supplied for this field, it will be assumed that the item's Pricing and BASE measure are the same and both the "To" and "From" values will be set to one (1).



The item's Pricing unit of measure description (code). Units of Measure must be defined from the Code Definitions area before use. If a value is not supplied, the Pricing measure will be assumed to match the item's BASE measure.



The primary vendor code assigned to this item. The code supplied must match with an existing vendor.

Note: The Primary Vendor Code is the ID that appears in the Item Maintenance Primary Vendor field. This is different from the Vendor ID that displays in the Item Maintenance form's Purchasing tab in the Vendor drop-down list.



The numeric Unit of Measure "From" value. This decimal value is used when converting quantities or pricing represented using the Receiving unit of measure to the equivalent value in terms of the BASE measure (and the reverse).


To convert a value (price or qty) from BASE to the Receiving measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (ReceiveUMQtyConversion / ReceiveUMQtyConversionTo)


To convert a value from Receiving to the BASE measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (ReceiveUMQtyConversionTo / ReceiveUMQtyConversion)


In Item Maintenance, this field represents the left-hand side conversion value for the Receiving measure (listed under the "Quantity Conversions" section found near the bottom of the Measures tab). If a value is not supplied for this field, it will be assumed that the item's Receiving and BASE measure are the same and both the "To" and "From" values will be set to one (1).



The numeric Unit of Measure "To" value. This decimal value is used when converting quantities or pricing represented using the Receiving unit of measure to the equivalent value in terms of the BASE measure (and the reverse).


To convert a value (price or qty) from BASE to the Receiving measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (ReceiveUMQtyConversion / ReceiveUMQtyConversionTo)


To convert a value from Receiving to the BASE measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (ReceiveUMQtyConversionTo / ReceiveUMQtyConversion)


In Item Maintenance, this field represents the right-hand side conversion value for the Receiving measure (listed under the "Quantity Conversions" section found near the bottom of the Measures tab). If a value is not supplied for this field, it will be assumed that the item's Receiving and BASE measure are the same and both the "To" and "From" values will be set to one (1).



The item's Receiving unit of measure description (code). Units of Measure must be defined from the Code Definitions area before use. If a value is not supplied, the Receiving measure will be assumed to match the item's BASE measure.



An item's "Report Sequence" is used to control the order that the item appears when presented in selection listings and in some cases on reports. This is particularly useful when item numbers indicate dimensions such as with lumber/timber products. Report sequence is ordered as text, not numerically, so the value 1 and 1000 would appear before the number "2" when sorted. If you want to use numbers, it's best to pad the digits using zeros (making a sequence 0000001 instead of just 1, for example). Items without a report sequence default to use the item SKU.



The section number assigned to this item. Must be an integer between 1 and 99. Section Codes must be defined prior to use.



The item's Selling unit of measure description (code). Units of Measure must be defined from the Code Definitions area before use. If a value is not supplied, the Selling measure will be assumed to match the item's BASE measure.



The numeric Unit of Measure "From" value. This decimal value is used when converting quantities or pricing represented using the Selling unit of measure to the equivalent value in terms of the BASE measure (and the reverse).


To convert a value (price or qty) from BASE to the Selling measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (SellUMQtyConversion / SellUMQtyConversionTo)


To convert a value from Selling to the BASE measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (SellUMQtyConversionTo / SellUMQtyConversion)


In Item Maintenance, this field represents the left-hand side conversion value for the Selling measure (listed under the "Quantity Conversions" section found near the bottom of the Measures tab). If a value is not supplied for this field, it will be assumed that the item's Selling and BASE measure are the same and both the "To" and "From" values will be set to one (1).



The numeric Unit of Measure "To" value. This decimal value is used when converting quantities or pricing represented using the Selling unit of measure to the equivalent value in terms of the BASE measure (and the reverse).


To convert a value (price or qty) from BASE to the Selling measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (SellUMQtyConversion / SellUMQtyConversionTo)


To convert a value from Selling to the BASE measure, the following calculation is used:


  Value * (SellUMQtyConversionTo / SellUMQtyConversion)


In Item Maintenance, this field represents the right-hand side conversion value for the Selling measure (listed under the "Quantity Conversions" section found near the bottom of the Measures tab). If a value is not supplied for this field, it will be assumed that the item's Selling and BASE measure are the same and both the "To" and "From" values will be set to one (1).



This decimal value, if supplied, is used to set the suggested retail (or "list") price for the item being added. Price levels may or may not be based on the suggested list. The default price levels you have defined determine how levels are initially set when new items are added. These defaults are used by the wizard. If no suggested retail (or list) value is supplied, the item will be added with no retail/list price. This can cause the item's price levels to calculate zero prices if they are based on the suggested list.



Days Supply. Days supply is an integer (whole number) representing the anticipated number of days that an item should be stocked for when ordering. For example, if this number is 30, a purchase build will consider the quantity necessary to maintain a supply for a 30-day period of time.

Days supply is often used to recalculate the maximum quantity when the item's adjustment type is set to "system automated adjustment." This is only true if no Usage Interval is set.

Days Supply is also used for calculating the POQDue and COQDue figures which are used for determining order quantities when processing automated purchase order builds.



Disabled Flag. This is a Boolean, or true/false, value field. Disabled items are items that are no longer used. Disabled items don't appear in selection listings and manual entry is prevented.

0 = False (No. This item is not disabled.)

1 = True (Yes. This item IS disabled and is no longer available for selection.)



Discontinued Flag. This is a Boolean, or true/false, value field that indicates whether an item is discontinued or not.

0 = False (No. This item is not discontinued.)

1 = True (Yes. This item IS discontinued and is no longer available.)

Discontinued items are not included on purchase order builds and in some cases produce warnings during use.



Discount Code (ie. Net). This integer enumeration determines the discountable status of the item. By the term "discount," we are specifically referring to optional "statement" discounts and line-item discounts. Statement discounts are calculated at time of invoicing and may be applied if the customer pays their receivable bill by the designated discount date. This setting does not affect changes to pricing applied automatically from Point of Sale or as part of the items regular price structure. Choices are as follows:

0 = Discountable (The Item is eligible for Statement Discounts)

1 = Net (No Statement Discounts will be Calculated for this Item.)



This is a Boolean, or True/False, value field. It is used to indicate which products should be made available for ecommerce use (on-line inquiry, etc.).



Expected Gross Margin ("Expected %" in Item Maintenance, Branch, Pricing tab). This is the desired gross margin for this item. It is provided for reference but is not used for any calculations, etc.



Lead Time. This is the number of days between when the item is ordered and when it is received. This might be determined by the vendor, the particulars of the item, or your company's purchasing procedures. For example, a company might purchase widgets from vendor XYZ, but only places orders once every 2 weeks... in this case, the lead time would be 14 (days).

Lead time is used during a purchase order build to determine (a) whether an item should be included in the build and (b) to determine what quantity to order.

The requirement (or order) quantity is adjusted (reduced) by the quantity of the item expected to be received from Purchase Orders due within the lead time period. This can help avoid duplication when an item already has already been ordered on another Purchase Order and another build is processed.



Dimensional Depth Denominator. For Lumber/Timber and Sheet Goods products, it's possible to specify

dimensions (this is optional). This is an integer field and will always be a whole number (1 or higher). This the

denominator used for specifying depth as a fraction. The denominator is the last or bottom number in the fraction.

For example, 8 is the denominator in the fraction 7/8. In cases where a decimal depth or whole number is specified, the denominator is set to one. The measurement system used will vary by region. Dimensions are used

for calculating initial volume conversion values (board footage, cubic metres, etc.) and in some cases are used

with Tally items.



Dimensional Depth Numerator. For Lumber/Timber and Sheet Goods products, it's possible to specify dimensions (this is optional). Depth may be entered as a fraction, decimal, or whole number. In the case of a fraction, the numerator is the first or top number. For example, 3 is the numerator in the fraction 3/4. In the case of decimal or whole number depths, the numerator holds the value and the denominator is set to 1. The measurement system used will vary by region. Dimensions are used for calculating initial volume conversion values (board footage, cubic metres, etc.) and in some cases are used with Tally items.



Dimensional Length. Dimensions may be specified for Lumber/Timber and Sheet Goods type items (optionally). Length can be specified as either a whole number or decimal. The measurement system used will vary by region. Dimensions are used for calculating initial volume conversion values (board footage, cubic metres, etc.) and in some cases are used with Tally items.



Dimensional Width. Width can be optionally specified for Lumber/Timber and Sheet Goods item types. If used, the width must be either a decimal or whole number value. The measurement system used will vary by region. Dimensions are used for calculating initial volume conversion values (board footage, cubic metres, etc.) and in some cases are used with Tally items.



Location Code #0 ("Primary" location in Item Maintenance). One of three (3) location codes provided for this item.



Location Code #1 ("Alternate" location in Item Maintenance). One of three (3) location codes provided for this item.



Location Code #2 ("Alternate" location in Item Maintenance). One of three (3) location codes provided for this item.



Maximum Quantity. If set to a non-zero value, maximum is used for determining the re-order quantity for an item during an automated (PO) build. Maximum should be considered the desired "shelf" quantity to be maintained for a product. Maximum is used for purchase order build calculations and with some reports. Items with a zero minimum and maximum quantity are not included on purchase order builds.

Maximum quantity is reflected in the BASE unit of measurement.

The Adjustments option from the Purchasing menu can be used to recalculate the maximum based upon any automatic settings.



Minimum Gross Margin Percentage ("Minimum %" in Item Maintenance, Branch, Pricing tab). This percentage represents the lowest gross margin at which your company would consider selling this product. This is used for reference, exception alerts, and some reports.



Minimum Quantity. If used, this quantity is considered the re-order point for the item. Minimum is the lowest on-hand quantity that should be maintained for the item before re-ordering. Minimum is used for purchase order build calculations and with some reports. Items with a zero minimum and maximum quantity are not included on purchase order builds. Minimum quantity is reflected in the BASE unit of measurement.



Level 0 Amount. This is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Level 1 Amount. This is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Level 2 Amount. This is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Level 3 Amount. This is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Level 4 Amount. This is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Level 5 Amount. This is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Level 6 Amount. This is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Price Type Level 0. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. The enumeration is as follows:

0 = D (Discount % off Suggested List)

1 = M (Markup % over Market Cost)

2 = L (Markup % over Last Receipt Cost)

3 = W (Markup % over Weighted Average Cost)

4 = P (Fixed Price)

5 = C (Margin % using Market Cost)

6 = R (Margin % using Last Receipt Cost)

7 = A (Margin % using Weighted Average Cost)

8 = S (Discount % off Store Retail Level)

9 = X (Markup % Higher of Market or Average)

10 = B (Margin % of Market or Average)



Price Type Level 1. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. See PrcType0 for an explanation of the enumeration.



Price Type Level 2. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. See PrcType0 for an explanation of the enumeration.



Price Type Level 3. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. See PrcType0 for an explanation of the enumeration.



Price Type Level 4. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. See PrcType0 for an explanation of the enumeration.



Price Type Level 5. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. See PrcType0 for an explanation of the enumeration.



Price Type Level 6. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. See PrcType0 for an explanation of the enumeration.



Weight (aka. Load Factor). This is used for calculating weight for deliveries and purchasing, etc. For weight to be used effectively and accurately, ALL weights must be specified using the same measure for ALL products with a weight specified (such as pound (lb.) or Kilogram (Kg), for example). The total weight is calculated taking the weight value times the quantity in BASE measurement terms.



Yard Flag ("Yard Code" in Item Maintenance, Branch, Codes tab). This code indicates the location of a product in the yard. Items assigned a yard flag (code) will be included on pick ticket style documents. Other documents sometimes print the yard flag if assigned as well.

Update Inventory

The fields available for modifying existing items are different than those permitted for adding. Field names correspond with the names in the Import Wizard's grid, and are not necessarily the same as column names used by the Inventory data tables. Most inventory data is maintained in two (2) separate tables dbo.InventoryCommon (shared item data) and dbo.InventoryStore (branch-specific data). Please note: Suggested List and Prevailing Market Cost were removed from the listing (below) as they cannot be updated using this option. Please see the table below for additional details:

Common or Branch


Description (for additional details about function, please see the Item Maintenance (database) help topics).



The primary alternate SKU for the item. Cannot match with any another existing alternate SKU or item. A maximum of 16-characters is allowed.



An additional alternate SKU for the item. Must be unique. A maximum of 16-characters is allowed.



An additional alternate SKU for the item. Must be unique. A maximum of 16-characters is allowed.



An additional alternate SKU for the item. Must be unique. A maximum of 16-characters is allowed.



An additional alternate SKU for the item. Must be unique. A maximum of 16-characters is allowed.



The UM (Unit of Measure) associated with AlternateSKU0. Must be a valid Unit of Measure for the item. Unit of measure codes may be up to 4-characters in length.



The UM (Unit of Measure) associated with AlternateSKU1. Must be a valid Unit of Measure for the item. Unit of measure codes may be up to 4-characters in length.



The UM (Unit of Measure) associated with AlternateSKU2. Must be a valid Unit of Measure for the item. Unit of measure codes may be up to 4-characters in length.



The UM (Unit of Measure) associated with AlternateSKU3. Must be a valid Unit of Measure for the item. Unit of measure codes may be up to 4-characters in length.



The UM (Unit of Measure) associated with AlternateSKU4. Must be a valid Unit of Measure for the item. Unit of measure codes may be up to 4-characters in length.



The primary numeric barcode (UPC) to be used with this item. A maximum size of 16-characters is allowed. Must be unique to this item.



A additional numeric barcode (UPC) to be used with this item. A maximum size of 16-characters is allowed. Must be unique to this item.



A additional numeric barcode (UPC) to be used with this item. A maximum size of 16-characters is allowed. Must be unique to this item.



A additional numeric barcode (UPC) to be used with this item. A maximum size of 16-characters is allowed. Must be unique to this item.



An additional numeric barcode (UPC) to be used with this item. A maximum size of 16-characters is allowed. Must be unique to this item.



The UM (Unit of Measure) associated with Barcode0. Must be a valid Unit of Measure for the item. Unit of measure codes may be up to 4-characters in length.



The UM (Unit of Measure) associated with Barcode1. Must be a valid Unit of Measure for the item. Unit of measure codes may be up to 4-characters in length.



The UM (Unit of Measure) associated with Barcode2. Must be a valid Unit of Measure for the item. Unit of measure codes may be up to 4-characters in length.



The UM (Unit of Measure) associated with Barcode3. Must be a valid Unit of Measure for the item. Unit of measure codes may be up to 4-characters in length.



The UM (Unit of Measure) associated with Barcode4. Must be a valid Unit of Measure for the item. Unit of measure codes may be up to 4-characters in length.



Notification Buyer ID. This is the user ID of the purchaser. User IDs may be up to 6-characters in length. The ID must exist.



The merchandising class code assigned to the product (if any). Maximum of 6-characters. Found on the Common, Codes tab of the Item Maintenance form.



Cost Percentage. This decimal value indicates the cost percentage for the item (if any). Up to 4-decimal places are allowed.



The merchandising department code assigned to the product (if any). Maximum of 6-characters. Found on the Common, Codes tab of the Item Maintenance form.



The item's description. Maximum of 1,088 characters.



The merchandising fine line code assigned to the product (if any). Maximum of 6-characters. Found on the Common, Codes tab of the Item Maintenance form.



The group number assigned to this item. Must be an integer between 1 and 99. Group Codes must be defined prior to use.



The code (SKU) to be used for identifying the item. Must match with an existing item. A maximum size of 16-characters.



The 1st of 5 possible keywords that may be assigned to this item. Keywords allow a maximum size of 16-characters, are listed on the Common and Select tabs in Item Maintenance.



The 2nd of 5 possible keywords that may be assigned to this item. Keywords allow a maximum size of 16-characters, are listed on the Common and Select tabs in Item Maintenance.



The 3rd of 5 possible keywords that may be assigned to this item. Keywords allow a maximum size of 16-characters, are listed on the Common and Select tabs in Item Maintenance.



The 4th of 5 possible keywords that may be assigned to this item. Keywords allow a maximum size of 16-characters, are listed on the Common and Select tabs in Item Maintenance.



The 5th of 5 possible keywords that may be assigned to this item. Keywords allow a maximum size of 16-characters, are listed on the Common and Select tabs in Item Maintenance.



The primary vendor code assigned to this item. The code supplied, up to 10-characters in length, must match with an existing vendor that is not a "pay-to" type.

Note: The Primary Vendor Code is the ID that appears in the Item Maintenance Primary Vendor field. This is different from the Vendor ID that displays in the Item Maintenance form's Purchasing tab in the Vendor drop-down list.



An item's "Report Sequence" is used to control the order that the item appears when presented in selection listings and in some cases on reports. This is particularly useful when item numbers indicate dimensions such as with lumber/timber products. Report sequence is ordered as text, not numerically, so the value 1 and 1000 would appear before the number "2" when sorted. If you want to use numbers, it's best to pad the digits using zeros (making a sequence 0000001 instead of just 1, for example). Items without a report sequence default to use the item SKU.


The report sequence can be up to 16-characters in length.



The section number assigned to this item. Must be an integer between 1 and 99. Section Codes must be defined prior to use.



Days Supply. Days supply is an integer (whole number) representing the anticipated number of days that an item should be stocked for when ordering. For example, if this number is 30, a purchase build will consider the quantity necessary to maintain a supply for a 30-day period of time.

Days supply is often used to recalculate the maximum quantity when the item's adjustment type is set to "system automated adjustment." This is only true if no Usage Interval is set.

Days Supply is also used for calculating the POQDue and COQDue figures which are used for determining order quantities when processing automated purchase order builds.



Description Required (MiscDescription). This is a Boolean, or true/false, value field that indicates whether an item requires description entry.

0 = False (No. This item does not require description entry)

1 = True (Yes. This item requires description entry.)



Disabled Flag. This is a Boolean, or true/false, value field. Disabled items are items that are no longer used. Disabled items don't appear in selection listings and manual entry is prevented.

0 = False (No. This item is not disabled.)

1 = True (Yes. This item IS disabled and is no longer available for selection.)



Discontinued Flag. This is a Boolean, or true/false, value field that indicates whether an item is discontinued or not.

0 = False (No. This item is not discontinued.)

1 = True (Yes. This item IS discontinued and is no longer available.)

Discontinued items are not included on purchase order builds and in some cases produce warnings during use.



Discount Code ("Net," for example). This integer enumeration determines the discountable status of the item. By the term "discount," we are specifically referring to optional "statement" discounts and line-item discounts. Statement discounts are calculated at time of invoicing and may be applied if the customer pays their receivable bill by the designated discount date. This setting does not affect changes to pricing applied automatically from Point of Sale or as part of the items regular price structure. Choices are as follows:

0 = Discountable (The Item is eligible for Statement Discounts)

1 = Net (No Statement Discounts will be Calculated for this Item.)



This is a Boolean, or True/False, value field. It is used to indicate which products should be made available for ecommerce use (on-line inquiry, etc.).



Estimating Flag. This is a Boolean (true/false) value that's indicated by an integer value of either 0 (false) or 1 (true).

0 = N (No or False)

1 = Y (Yes or True)



Expected Gross Margin ("Expected %" in Item Maintenance, Branch, Pricing tab). This decimal value indicates the desired gross margin for this item. It is provided for reference but is not used for any calculations, etc.



Lead Adjust (Lead Type). This integer value indicates the type of lead time adjustment. Valid integer values are defined below:

0 = Manual

1 = Automatic



Lead Time. This integer value is the number of days between when the item is ordered and when it is received. This might be determined by the vendor, the particulars of the item, or your company's purchasing procedures. For example, a company might purchase widgets from vendor XYZ, but only places orders once every two (2) weeks... in this case, the lead time would be 14 (days).

Lead time is used during a purchase order build to determine (a) whether an item should be included in the build and (b) to determine what quantity to order.

The requirement (or order) quantity is adjusted (reduced) by the quantity of the item expected to be received from Purchase Orders due within the lead time period. This can help avoid duplication when an item already has already been ordered on another Purchase Order and another build is processed.



Location Code #0 ("Primary" location in Item Maintenance). One of three (3) location codes provided for this item. Location codes can be a maximum of 8-characters in length.



Location Code #1 ("Alternate" location in Item Maintenance). One of three (3) location codes provided for this item. Location codes can be a maximum of 8-characters in length.



Location Code #2 ("Alternate" location in Item Maintenance). One of three (3) location codes provided for this item. Location codes can be a maximum of 8-characters in length.



Maximum Quantity. If this integer value is set to a non-zero value, maximum is used for determining the re-order quantity for an item during an automated (PO) build. Maximum should be considered the desired "shelf" quantity to be maintained for a product. Maximum is used for purchase order build calculations and with some reports. Items with a zero minimum and maximum quantity are not included on purchase order builds.

Maximum quantity is reflected in the BASE unit of measurement.

The Adjustments option from the Purchasing menu can be used to recalculate the maximum based upon any automatic settings.



Maximum Quantity Adjustment Type. This integer enumeration determines if the item's maximum quantity should be automatically adjusted. The enumeration is defined below:

0 = Manual

1 = Automatic



Minimum Gross Margin Percentage ("Minimum %" in Item Maintenance, Branch, Pricing tab). This decimal value indicates the percentage for the lowest gross margin at which your company would consider selling this product. This is used for reference, exception alerts, and some reports.



Minimum Quantity. If used, this integer quantity is considered the re-order point for the item. Minimum is the lowest on-hand quantity that should be maintained for the item before re-ordering. Minimum is used for purchase order build calculations and with some reports. Items with a zero minimum and maximum quantity are not included on purchase order builds. Minimum quantity is reflected in the BASE unit of measurement.



Minimum Quantity Adjustment Type. This is an integer enumeration that determines if and how the item's minimum quantity is to be adjusted. The enumeration is defined below:

0 = Manual

1 = Percentage of Maximum

2 = Automatic



Minimum Quantity Percentage of Maximum Quantity. This requires a decimal value (up to 4-decimal places). This would only be used in cases where the item's MinQtyAdjType was set to "Percentage of Maximum" (1).



Physical Count Unit of Measure Default. This is an integer value that indicates which of the item's five (5) units of measure should be used as the default for quantity entry as physical inventory counts. Choices include the following:

0 = Stock (Base)

1 = Selling

2 = Pricing

3 = Receiving

4 = Miscellaneous



Point of Sale Quantity Unit of Measure Default. This is an integer value that indicates which of the item's five (5) units of measure should be used as the default for quantity entry during Point of Sale transactions. Choices include the following:

0 = Stock (Base)

1 = Selling

2 = Pricing

3 = Receiving

4 = Miscellaneous



Point of Sale Pricing Unit of Measure Default. This is an integer value that indicates which of the item's five (5) units of measure should be used as the default for pricing displayed during Point of Sale transactions. Choices include the following:

0 = Stock (Base)

1 = Selling

2 = Pricing

3 = Receiving

4 = Miscellaneous



Price Updates Unit of Measure Default. This is an integer value that indicates which of the item's five (5) units of measure should be used as the default for pricing when creating price updates via the Inventory area. Choices include the following:

0 = Stock (Base)

1 = Selling

2 = Pricing

3 = Receiving

4 = Miscellaneous



Purchasing Receipt Quantity Unit of Measure Default. This is an integer value that indicates which of the item's five (5) units of measure should be used as the default for quantity entry for Purchase Orders and Receipts. Choices include the following:

0 = Stock (Base)

1 = Selling

2 = Pricing

3 = Receiving

4 = Miscellaneous



Purchasing Receipt Cost Unit of Measure Default. This is an integer value that indicates which of the item's five (5) units of measure should be used as the default for costs displayed for Purchase Orders and Receipts. Choices include the following:

0 = Stock (Base)

1 = Selling

2 = Pricing

3 = Receiving

4 = Miscellaneous



Level 0 Amount. This decimal value is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Level 1 Amount. This decimal value is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Level 2 Amount. This decimal value is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Level 3 Amount. This decimal value is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Level 4 Amount. This decimal value is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Level 5 Amount. This decimal value is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Level 6 Amount. This decimal value is either the percentage (discount, markup, or margin) or set price assigned to this level.

This is used in conjunction with the PrcType fields to determine the level price.



Price Type Level 0. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. The enumeration is as follows:

0 = D (Discount % off Suggested List)

1 = M (Markup % over Market Cost)

2 = L (Markup % over Last Receipt Cost)

3 = W (Markup % over Weighted Average Cost)

4 = P (Fixed Price)

5 = C (Margin % using Market Cost)

6 = R (Margin % using Last Receipt Cost)

7 = A (Margin % using Weighted Average Cost)

8 = S (Discount % off Store Retail Level)

9 = X (Markup % Higher of Market or Average)

10 = B (Margin % Higher of Market or Average)



Price Type Level 1. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. See PrcType0 for an explanation of the enumeration.



Price Type Level 2. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. See PrcType0 for an explanation of the enumeration.



Price Type Level 3. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. See PrcType0 for an explanation of the enumeration.



Price Type Level 4. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. See PrcType0 for an explanation of the enumeration.



Price Type Level 5. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. See PrcType0 for an explanation of the enumeration.



Price Type Level 6. This is an integer enumeration representing the type of pricing used for this level. See PrcType0 for an explanation of the enumeration.



Price Matrix Code. This code, up to 4-characters in length, indicates the price matrix code for the item (if any). Matrix codes must be defined before use.



Price Rounding Code. This is an integer enumeration representing the code for rounding pricing.

0 = No rounding

1 = Round to .01

2 = Round to .09

3 = Round to $1

4 = Round to $5

5 = Ace Rounding

6 = Price Range

7 = Cent Range

8 = Round to .001



Product ID (code). This code, up to 16-characters in length, indicates the product ID for the item (if any). The code must already exist. These codes are defined from the Code Definitions maintenance form or can originate with Do it Best Corp.'s product codes (which must be loaded prior to use).



Quantity Break Minimum. The first (1st) of four (4) possible quantity breaks you can define for volume pricing. This integer value is the minimum quantity in base terms required to receive a volume discount at this level.



Quantity Break Minimum. The second (2nd) of four (4) possible quantity breaks you can define for volume pricing. This integer value is the minimum quantity in base terms required to receive a volume discount at this level.



Quantity Break Minimum. The third (3rd) of four (4) possible quantity breaks you can define for volume pricing. This integer value is the minimum quantity in base terms required to receive a volume discount at this level.



Quantity Break Minimum. The last of four (4) possible quantity breaks you can define for volume pricing. This integer value is the minimum quantity in base terms required to receive a volume discount at this level.



Amount for the Break Price (aka. Volume Discount). This decimal value is the amount to be applied as the first (1st) of four (4) possible quantity breaks. The "amount" may represent either a set price or percentage as determined by the QtyType0 value. The QtyBreak0 value determines the minimum quantity purchase required for receiving the break price. Up to 4-decimal places are permitted.



Amount for the Break Price (aka. Volume Discount). This decimal value is the amount to be applied as the second (2nd) of four (4) possible quantity breaks. The "amount" may represent either a set price or percentage as determined by the QtyType1 value. The QtyBreak1 value determines the minimum quantity purchase required for receiving the break price. Up to 4-decimal places are permitted.



Amount for the Break Price (aka. Volume Discount). This decimal value is the amount to be applied as the third (3rd) of four (4) possible quantity breaks. The "amount" may represent either a set price or percentage as determined by the QtyType2 value. The QtyBreak2 value determines the minimum quantity purchase required for receiving the break price. Up to 4-decimal places are permitted.



Amount for the Break Price (aka. Volume Discount). This decimal value is the amount to be applied as the last of four (4) possible quantity breaks. The "amount" may represent either a set price or percentage as determined by the QtyType3 value. The QtyBreak3 value determines the minimum quantity purchase required for receiving the break price. Up to 4-decimal places are permitted.



Quantity Rounding. This is a Boolean (true/false) value that's indicated by an integer value of either 0 (false) or 1 (true).

0 = N (No or False)

1 = Y (Yes or True)



Price Type for Break Price (aka. Volume Discount). This integer enumeration indicates how the QtyPrice0 value is used for calculation or setting of the break price the customer receives for the first of the four (4) possible quantity breaks (if they meet the QtyBreak0 minimum quantity). The enumeration is defined below:

0 = D (Discount % off Suggested List)

1 = M (Markup % over Market Cost)

2 = L (Markup % over Last Receipt Cost)

3 = W (Markup % over Weighted Average Cost)

4 = % (Additional % off Customer Price)

5 = $ (Dollar Amount off Suggested List)

6 = C (Margin % using Market Cost)

7 = R (Margin % using Last Receipt Cost)

8 = A (Margin % using Weighted Average Cost)

9 = S (Discount % off Store Retail Level)



Price Type for Break Price or Volume Discount. This integer enumeration indicates how the QtyPrice1 value is used for calculation or setting of the break price the customer receives for the second (2nd) of the four (4) possible quantity breaks (if they meet the QtyBreak1 minimum quantity). The enumeration is defined below (0 is the default):

0 = D (Discount % off Suggested List)

1 = M (Markup % over Market Cost)

2 = L (Markup % over Last Receipt Cost)

3 = W (Markup % over Weighted Average Cost)

4 = % (Additional % off Customer Price)

5 = $ (Dollar Amount off Suggested List)

6 = C (Margin % using Market Cost)

7 = R (Margin % using Last Receipt Cost)

8 = A (Margin % using Weighted Average Cost)

9 = S (Discount % off Store Retail Level)



Price Type for Break Price or Volume Discount. This integer enumeration indicates how the QtyPrice2 value is used for calculation or setting of the break price the customer receives for the third (3rd) of the four (4) possible quantity breaks (if they meet the QtyBreak2 minimum quantity). The enumeration is defined below (0 is the default):

0 = D (Discount % off Suggested List)

1 = M (Markup % over Market Cost)

2 = L (Markup % over Last Receipt Cost)

3 = W (Markup % over Weighted Average Cost)

4 = % (Additional % off Customer Price)

5 = $ (Dollar Amount off Suggested List)

6 = C (Margin % using Market Cost)

7 = R (Margin % using Last Receipt Cost)

8 = A (Margin % using Weighted Average Cost)

9 = S (Discount % off Store Retail Level)



Price Type for Break Price or Volume Discount. This integer enumeration indicates how the QtyPrice3 value is used for calculation or setting of the break price the customer receives for the last of the four (4) possible quantity breaks (if they meet the QtyBreak3 minimum quantity). The enumeration is defined below (0 is the default):

0 = D (Discount % off Suggested List)

1 = M (Markup % over Market Cost)

2 = L (Markup % over Last Receipt Cost)

3 = W (Markup % over Weighted Average Cost)

4 = % (Additional % off Customer Price)

5 = $ (Dollar Amount off Suggested List)

6 = C (Margin % using Market Cost)

7 = R (Margin % using Last Receipt Cost)

8 = A (Margin % using Weighted Average Cost)

9 = S (Discount % off Store Retail Level)



Rebate Code. This code, up to 6-characters in length, indicates the product rebate code for the item. Any code indicated must already exist. These codes are defined from the Code Definitions maintenance form.



Seasonal Code. This code, up to 4-characters in length, indicates the seasonal code for the item (if any) and is used for purchasing. Seasonal codes must be defined prior to use.



Stocked (vs. Non-stocked). This is a Boolean (true/false) value that's indicated by an integer value of either 0 (false) or 1 (true).

0 = N (No or False)

1 = Y (Yes or True)



Substitute SKU (Item). This item SKU, up to 16-characters in length, must exist in the current branch and cannot be a "tally" type item.



Returnable. This is a Boolean (true/false) value that's indicated by an integer value of either 0 (false) or 1 (true).

0 = N (No or False)

1 = Y (Yes or True)



Tag ID Required. This is a Boolean (true/false) value that's indicated by an integer value of either 0 (false) or 1 (true).

0 = N (No or False)

1 = Y (Yes or True)



Taxable Code (Flag). This is an integer enumeration representing the taxable status of the item. Some options only apply to software users in Canada or the United Kingdom (UK) only.

0 = Yes

1 = No

2 = Always

3 = VAT (UK Only)

4 = GST (Canada Only)

5 = PST (Canada Only)



Tax Surcharge. This is a Boolean (true/false) value that's indicated by an integer value of either 0 (false) or 1 (true).

0 = N (No or False)

1 = Y (Yes or True)



Track Quantity On-hand (aka. Maintain Receipts). This is a Boolean (true/false) value that's indicated by an integer value of either 0 (false) or 1 (true).

0 = N (No or False)

1 = Y (Yes or True)



Usage Interval. This integer value is used for purchasing.



Weight (aka. Load Factor). This decimal value (up to 4-decimal places) is used for calculating weight for deliveries and purchasing, etc. For weight to be used effectively and accurately, ALL weights must be specified using the same measure for ALL products with a weight specified (such as pound (lb.) or Kilogram (Kg), for example). The total weight is calculated taking the weight value times the quantity in BASE measurement terms.



WMS (Warehouse Management) item flag. This is a Boolean (true/false) value that's indicated by an integer value of either 0 (false) or 1 (true). This is only used by the WMS app, a separately priced feature and is not shown in Item Maintenance unless enabled.

0 = N (No or False)

1 = Y (Yes or True)



Yard Flag ("Yard Code" in Item Maintenance, Branch, Codes tab). This 2-character code indicates the location of a product in the yard. Items assigned a yard flag (code) will be included on pick ticket style documents. Other documents sometimes print the yard flag if assigned as well.


Using the Template (F5) Function

The template function allows you to automatically set the field values in the Item Maintenance form so that they match an existing item you choose. This updates most, but not all, fields found in the form. Some fields, which would normally be unique to an item (or must be), are not set and must be manually changed if needed. A few examples of fields that are not set by the Template (F5) function are the item's report sequence (Select tab), vendor item SKUs (Purchasing tab), and Tally member items.

CAUTION!The Template function overwrites most field values in the form, even if previous selections or values have been specified. This is true when you modify an existing item as well. For new items, it's best to use the template before specifying any settings for the new item. There is no "undo" in this case. For existing items, any fields changed by the template will be saved if you choose Process (F12) permanently replacing the saved values. Choosing Cancel (F9) before choosing Process (F12) would stop the template changes from being saved.


Using the Catalog (F6) Function

The Catalog (F6) function allows you to add an item to inventory that is in the Vendor's catalog. You need to know the vendor's SKU to add this item to your inventory.

To look up an item in the Vendor's catalog, from the Main Menu, go to Inventory > Inquiry > Catalog and choose the Vendor and look for the Vendor's SKU for the catalog item you want to add.

Catalog Inquiry with Vendor and Vendor SKU Displaying

When you have the Vendor ID (in this case, ACE) and the Vendor SKU (10227), you can add this item quickly to your inventory.

To add an item to inventory using the Catalog (F6) option:

1. From the Main Menu, choose Inventory > Database > Item to display the Item Maintenance form.

2. Choose the Catalog (F6) option to display the Select Catalog Item box.

Select Catalog Item Box

3. From the Catalog list, enter the vendor's SKU and click Accept. The Item Maintenance form updates with the details from the catalog.

Item Maintenance Form with Catalog SKU Displaying

4. From here, you can enter the SKU you want to represent this item in your inventory and update the tabs with the other required entries as needed.

5. When you complete your entries, choose the Process (F12) option to add the item to your inventory.