
ECI is committed to empowering your business by providing analytics dashboards that help you put your daily sales and inventory data in a larger context. We provide state-of-the-art analytic tools, iDashboard, to give you a broad view of the health of your business based on current and historical information. You can then use these tools make reasonable projections for the future, based on current and historical information updated nightly.

Do I have Analytics?

For iDashboard, contracts with Analytics include one admin license which allows both admin and user access by a single user. If you don't have iDashboard or if you need additional licenses, please contact your sales representative.

Unless the Analytics option on the menu strip is disabled (grayed out) or missing, you have access to the Analytics features.

Additional Topics

Please visit the following topic for additional information:


See also these additional iDashboard topics:

Adding Categories

Downloading New Charts

How to Drilldown

Adding Alerts to iDashboard