ProLink in a Browser

ProLink is a web-based application available to your company's customer base. ProLink is custom branded to match your company and/or branch location's identity. ProLink is a separately licensed product available as an add-on for use with your Spruce application software and data. Your company purchases a license to use and integrate with ProLink; however, we retain all rights to ProLink’s design and code excluding any images or other intellectual property you provide or use with ProLink that you or others own the rights to. To use ProLink, consumers must have access to a web browser. ProLink does not have any off-line capability. Speak to your ECI Sales Representative about this feature, if you think it might meet your needs.

Your Responsibilities

Your company is responsible for all end-user support for ProLink as well as all content displayed or offered by the ProLink. Consumers who use ProLink should be provided a contact at your company should they need assistance or have any questions. Users of ProLink (your customers) should never be instructed to contact our support department or personnel directly. Should they contact us either on their own or at your direction, we will direct them back to your company. Your company should be prepared to provide the following types of support to end-users:

Marketing of ProLink to consumers.

Questions regarding how to access ProLink.

Assistance with logon (user) or password questions as well as any maintenance required for ProLink use (adding Email accounts to contacts, etc.).

All questions regarding use of ProLink (navigating, submitting orders, quotes, etc.).

Post processing of all submissions made via ProLink including requests for orders and quotes is your company's responsibility.

Fielding all questions regarding any information (data) provided by ProLink including: account balances and information, documents, and product (item) information.

Documentation or other resources for ProLink users.

Future changes that might affect connectivity should be reported to ECI Software Solutions in advance of any changes so that we can coordinate any changes required to ProLink (network, ISP (Internet Service Provider), and server address changes).

If your company is unable to help the customer due to errors originating with the native code or the web application, someone from your company should contact us for help. All end-user assistance regarding using ProLink or the end-users specific device are your company's responsibility.

If your company’s data is not hosted by ECI Software Solutions, Inc. and your company's Internet connectivity, network, or database server become unavailable for any reason, ProLink will not function during that time. Factors beyond our control must be resolved by your company or your selected technology and service providers. Should the consumer (end-user) of ProLink not have access to the Internet (via either Wi-Fi or their data plan), the app will not function.

Other issues with ProLink connectivity that are not originating from local or identified issues and that affect all users should be immediately reported to Support by your company.


There are a number of setup steps necessary before your company directs consumers to use ProLink. The following list provides details about your company's setup responsibilities:

Setup within the application must completed prior to starting use of ProLink. Settings that need to be addressed are: Parameters, Branches, & Account.

Before we can begin creating your customized site, we need you to provide us with a contact name, phone number, and email address for your company to be listed as the party responsible for ProLink support.

If your company’s data is not hosted by ECI, you must establish Internet Connectivity to your server. Your company must provide an access method from the Internet to your company's network and the required server. This would be done by opening a specifically dedicated port on your router that directs incoming traffic to the data server. Communication is encrypted and connections are established in one direction from the web-based application to the server. We will provide the address of the incoming connection so that you can limit connections to that IP (address) for additional security on your router.

Our Responsibilities

The following listing outlines ECI responsibilities regarding creation and support of ProLink:

Our personnel will create a distinct web application providing the interface between your data and ProLink. No application data (with the exception of item images) is maintained by the web application or any external database. The web application only acts as an intermediary for data access and display.

Once your company indicates that it is ready (all setup steps must be completed), our personnel will launch the ProLink site for your company.

Our personnel will provide support for ProLink when contacted by your company for issues related to web application errors or connectivity issues that originate on the web application server side. Your company is responsible for ALL end-user (consumer) support of ProLink. We cannot troubleshoot issues limited to specific devices or providers that are not affecting the majority of users.

Our company receives certain information, such as error reporting, when ProLink users encounter a problem. When issues are caused by the web application, we will resolve those issues in a timely fashion.


Updates to the web application may automatically be installed after your company installs certain software application updates. This does not necessarily happen with every application update. In some cases, as determined by the nature of the update, we may update the web application without a corresponding base software update.

When a software change requires updates to the web application, there is a window of time between these updates where possible issues in usability could occur. To keep this window small, we suggest using the automated update feature with the application so that updates are installed off hours close to the time when the web application checks for updates.

We reserve the right to make changes to ProLink’s appearance and functionality at any time.

Payment Processing

To accept payments via the ProLink, a customer must have a "card on file" associated with their account. This is only possible if you use TSYS Cayan, Verifone Point, or VeriFone PAYware Connect for card processing. For legacy VeriFone PAYware Connect only, you must also be using a version of the VeriFone SIM that supports tokenization (card contracts). In both Verifone cases (Verifone Point and legacy), you create card contracts via the PAYware Connect on-line portal (merchant console) and assigned those card contracts to ProLink enabled accounts. For TSYS Cayan, card tokens can be saved with an account when the card is presented and used in-person for a Point of Sale transaction using a TSYS Cayan Genius device.

Assuming that these conditions have been met, accounts that are billed by job will use either a consolidated card contract or job specific card contract depending upon whether a specific job has been selected in ProLink. When a specific job is selected, only the card contract for that job will be used.

For more information about payment processing, please click here.

Browser Requirements

ProLink supports the latest, stable releases of the following browsers and platforms. Browsers not listed below may still run the ProLink web application with minimal or even no functional defects. However, we cannot guarantee proper operation, and therefore consumers should not be encouraged to use them.

Desktop browsers

Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer (10+, Windows only), Microsoft Edge, Opera, and Safari (Mac only).

Mobile devices

Chrome, Firefox, Safari (iOS only), Android (5+), Microsoft Edge