Statements & Billing Customers

One of the most important functions of a business that maintains its own receivables is billing customers. The application is designed to be flexible allowing preferences to be set at the customer level. For companies who are new to the software, please read the Getting Started section first.

Getting Started

This section discusses things to consider regarding the billing process and receivables procedures before going live or when adding new customers to the database.

Statement Delivery and Processing

This topic explains how and when statements are created as well as options for delivering statements to your customers.

Customer Settings & Billing Preferences

Most of the settings that affect the format of statements are set at the customer level. This section discusses settings that affect statements as well as differences between the different account types and billing levels with regard to statements but also receivables in general.

Statement Formats Compared

Read this section to see visual examples of statements and comparisons between the different options available. This topic breaks down the statement and optional pages explaining the variations that are available.


This topic discusses how statement discounts work with the software.

Finance Charges

This section provides an overview of how finance (aka. service) charges are assessed.


This sub chapter provides visual examples of the various statement formats.