
A "quote" is a list of items that a customer has requested pricing or information regarding, but has not necessarily committed to purchasing. Quotes are available from the Quotes transaction unless purged (voided/deleted). Quotes typically remain available until the close date indicated has past (a daily process marks quote documents as "closed" if they have passed the date). Up to that time, a quote may be resumed (modified) or used to create another transaction type such as a sale or an order. Quote documents are not actually removed even after being closed and may be accessed in other ways. Expiration is considered the end of the period that the quote pricing is promised for. Archived quotes, if data archiving is enabled, would not be available except for inquiry using the Documents form.

As is true with sales or order activities, a quote begins with account (and sometimes job) selection. Next, a quote document ID is generated or entered that is used for identifying the quote in the future.

For information regarding folders in the Point of Sale areas, click here.

Customer Selection

There are two (2) main controls used for customer selection: name and account ID. Customer name controls use the "sort name" field for the account as the primary selection method. Account based controls use the customer's account identifier.

Most Point of Sale transactions either begin with or involve the selection of a customer's account and job (when applicable). In Point of Sale areas, primary selection is usually done by the customer's sort name. Both the customer's (sort) name and account number may be used for selection in Point of Sale transactions. There is usually no need to choose an alternate menu in these cases, just type either in.*

*Sort Name is the primary match field except when enhanced look up for customer is enabled. Account numbers matches are shown only on if no (sort) names exactly match the text entered. If matches for both the sort name and account number exist, only those for the name would be shown.

There are three (3) types of customer accounts that the software uses: cash, charge, and system.

  • A "cash" account is a customer-specific account that does not allow receivables charge unless the account has a credit balance.

  • A "charge" account is another customer-specific account and allows receivables charge sales.

  • A "system" account is a general-use account that is not customer-specific. All companies must have one system account named CASH. Except in the case of Tickets* (aka. Advice Notes in the UK) and Charge Returns, the default account, "CASH," is the default when no specific customer account is indicated. Press TAB to use this default account. A "system" account should not have a credit limit or allow charges. In addition, this type of account requires the entry of a delivery name when used with non-sale type transactions (orders, quotes, etc.). more...

When a customer has their own account, use the "name" text area for entry or selection. In the case of a sale, you can change the account at any point in the transaction prior to processing (Process (F12)), so if you prefer to enter or scan items into the grid first, go ahead. With other transaction types (orders, quotes, tickets, etc.), initial customer selection is required; however, but you can still change the account before processing.


Enhanced Customer Look up

When enabled, selection automatically includes the account number, customer name, address (line 1), and company. For each row, the column cell matching the look up text will be indicated by a gray background color. Even when more than one column for the same row (customer) has a match, only the column with the first look up match is highlighted. With enhanced look up enabled and any text is specified in the text-area, there is no "more" option provided and the maximum number of matches shown is 70. This means that if more than 70 matches exist, not all will be shown, and you may have to either enter additional text to narrow the selection or use other (alternate) selection options instead.


Depending upon the primary look up used by the control, exact matches on either the customer's name or account do not provide a selection list. Customer selection controls use either the name or account number as indicated by the label associated with the control (usually displayed on the left-hand side).

If no entry is made in the text area, or if the user chooses selection involving the alternate menu, the enhanced look up feature is not used. In these cases, customer account selection still provides the "more" option, and works as it would without enhanced search enabled.

Typically, the more text entered, the shorter and more useful the listing of matching results will be.

Enhanced look up options must be enabled by support. This is done only upon request and involves setting some parameters and populating look up tables via a support utility. If for some reason, an "enhanced" search is disabled, the tables will need to be repopulated again if it is re-enabled in the future. Look up key data is removed when account or items are modified if the enhanced look-up is not enabled.

Wild card searches (using the % character) are not supported when using enhanced look up features.


Job Selection

Accounts may be linked with jobs. Jobs are numbered and every account has one master job (0-zero). You can add additional jobs to any account. Jobs provide a way to track customer account activity separately from the account. Users are only prompted to select a job if the account has multiple jobs (more than the required job "zero"); otherwise, all activity is assumed to be for the master job. In Point of Sale, disabled and closed jobs are not included in selection listings. New jobs may be added during transaction processing (see the delivery tab of the Process (F12) form).*


*Security settings may prevent a user from being able to add jobs during processing.

Quote Selection & Document ID

Like most documents, new quotes may be assigned a sequential number automatically; however, users are able to specify their own ID as well. All document types, including quotes, can be assigned to one of 3 specific numeric ranges. These ranges are used when automatically assigning an ID. When assigning a custom quote ID, the user must do this before any other number/ID is automatically assigned.

The sequence portion of the document identifier can be a maximum number of 6-characters (numbers or letters) in length. When using a custom ID, it's best to use all the characters available (especially if you do document scanning or bar code labels). The standard YYMM date prefix will be added to all quote IDs.

To have the application assign a new quote number instead, press the TAB, Enter (or return) key, or choose "<<<NEW>>>" from the drop down.

This field is also used for selecting an existing quote for modification. If the quote is recent, clicking the drop down lists the most recent quote documents first. If you know the ID, you can type it in. Otherwise, a number of selection options are available from the Quote # drop down's alternate menu (usually a right mouse click).

Delivery Name, Customer PO#, and Delivery Address all seek matches based upon what you have typed in the Quote # field. The "Select" option offers a form with additional Quote selection options (Note: this same form is used with customer orders)...

Removing an Existing Quote

The menu marker Menu_Marker_Icon to the right of the quote # field can be used to void an existing quote. "Voided" quotes are removed permanently.


Quote Locking

If you use quotes as templates for other transactions (via import), there is an option available for "locking" individual quotes. This option will not appear unless it has been enabled by support. This is only done upon request (there is no charge for enabling this option).

When "locking" has been enabled, a "lock quote" option appears on the menu marker after a document ID has been assigned (not before).

A "check" appears next to the "lock quote" option after locking has been selected.

Locking prevents other users from making any changes to the "locked" quote. The user who locked the quote will be the only one allowed to make changes (including "unlocking" the quote if desired). Once locked, a quote may still be invoiced or ordered by other users. Locking only prevents permanent modifications to the quote by other users. It does not affect whether users change pricing or quantities after the quote is copied into another transaction.

To use a quote repeatedly as a template, the quote should be copied into Sales (Quotes, Orders, etc.) using the Import (F2), Wizard function so that the quote isn't updated as sold, etc.

How this is used may vary based upon whether or not you want the template quote's pricing to change or not. The Import Wizard can be used to select a quote and either keep the original prices or use the customer's current pricing (in this second case, just don't map the price columns). The Import, Document option always reprices the quote to match the selected customer.


An "ItemSet" is a classification tool used for Sales, Orders, and Quotes. This allows the user to assign items to groups, or "sets," which you can may be sort, invoice, or deliver separately. For example, a customer may place a large order, but want specific goods delivered at different times. ItemSets are an excellent way of keeping track of the customer's delivery needs while maintaining a single order at the same time.


Totals Panel

The upper right-hand area of the form includes a display-only panel showing the transaction's current sub-total, sales tax, and total. The tax location and rate (percentage) are displayed to the left of the panel when enough room is available (the tax location and rate can be viewed in the Process (F12) form otherwise). These figures will automatically update as changes are made. Figures also update to reflect any adjustments (adders/discounts, etc.) applied on the Process (F12) form.


The menu marker (to the right of the totals panel) offers additional options allowing the user to switch to a different transaction type (sale, quote, ticket) or display the current GM% (gross margin percentage) for the entire transaction.

Canada_Flag Canadian Settings

Users in Canada can double click on the tax amount to display the split provincial (PST) and GST tax dollar amounts. For Canadian provinces with both PST and GST taxes, both locations (and rates) are displayed to the left of the totals panel. HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) locations (used for the Maritime provinces) combine the GST and any local amounts together into one tax rate, so no split is provided in those cases.

Various Point of Sale Areas

Tax Details (Canada Only)

Grid & Item Entry

The grid is used for item entry. Inventory being sold may be entered or scanned at any time. A "discountable" column (Disc) has been added with release 8.1.0 (January 2013). This can be used to view the discountable status of the item or to specify a line-item discount (if the item is discountable).

Main Menu > Point of Sale > Quotes

Item Entry in Quotes

Primary entry fields include all columns except description, extended amount, and additional information.

ClosedFor more information about item entry and selection, click here.

Item Selection Options

One of the most frequent and common actions when using any retail software solution is Item Entry. When the item is physically present, the easiest and fastest way to enter items is by using a barcode scanner. If you don't have a scanner or the item has no barcode, you can always enter a full or partial item number if it's available. When entering text that partially matches existing item codes, a selection listing is created. Matching is performed from left-to-right only for standard selection. Items in selection lists are color coded to help distinguish between item numbers and alternate SKUs (purple). On-hand quantities in a selection list are also color coded when an item has a negative on-hand (red).

There are many cases when you may not be working with any physical item, such as when creating a customer's order, so scanning or manual item entry isn't a realistic option. In these cases, there are also there are a number of look-up methods for locating an item that may not be immediately obvious. These options are available on the item drop down's alternate menu (a right-click on a right-hand formatted mouse or use the alternate menu keyboard button Menu Marker Menu_Marker_Icon1).

Multi-Line Select

You can select more than a single row in a drop-down list by holding down the CTRL (Control) or SHIFT key while making selections using your mouse. Use the CTRL key to select random rows in the list (you can click any number of rows and locations) and use the SHIFT key to select a range of row entries above or below the initial selection. After you select the items you want, press the Enter key. Selected items are not automatically copied into a grid. Use the Next (F1) function to add the items you selected to the data grid one-at-a-time. This feature works this way because not all selections made using these keys end up in a data grid.

Group Section




Vendor SKU

Primary Vendor

Product ID

You can use the Product ID as a classification tool to either create custom product IDs (groups) for your related items or, if you are a Do it Best® member, you can use them to mirror the Do it Best product departments, categories, sub-categories, and product groups. You can use a combination of both custom and Do it Best product IDs; however, only one ID may be assigned per product. The same product ID may be associated with as many items as you like.

Manufacturer SKU

When you search for a particular item and you know the item’s manufacturer's SKU, you can use that SKU to find the item. We call this enhanced search. The enhanced search feature must be set up before you use this feature. We have added the Manufacturer’s SKU to the default enhanced search options as well.

To search by the Manufacturer SKU, enter the SKU in the Item field, select the down arrow beside the item field, and choose the Manufacturer SKU option. The application displays the list of items that match the SKU you entered.

Inventory Look up


Department - Class - Fineline

Image List Selection

SO Lookup

Lost Sales

Enhanced Item Look up

When enhanced item look up is enabled, item selection automatically involves the following fields: item number, description, and keyword(s). The column cells matching the look up text are indicated by a gray background color. With enhanced look up enabled, there is no "more" option provided and the maximum number of matches shown is 70. This means that if more than 70 matches exist, not all will be shown, and you may have to either enter additional text to narrow the selection or use other (alternate) selection options instead. Item number matches are given a preference over description and keyword matches (since alternate methods do exist for selection by description and keyword if necessary); however, the listing is finally re-ordered by Item SKU so the item matches may not necessarily appear first.

Exact matches on an item SKU do not provide a selection list.

Selection with no entry in the text area as well as selection involving the alternate menu do not use the enhanced look up feature. In these cases, item selection does provide the "more" option, and works as expected.

Typically, the more text entered, the shorter the listing of matching results will be.


The Enhanced Look Up feature requires setup by ECI Support personnel. Support enables a parameter and populates a special look up table using a support utility. This is only done upon request. After the Enhanced Look Up feature is enabled, ALL users and ALL locations can use it for item searches in all data grids that include items.

You can disable this feature at any time by contacting Support. If for some reason, an "enhanced" search is disabled, the tables will need to be repopulated again if it is re-enabled in the future.

Wild card searches (using the % character) are not supported when using the Enhanced Look Up features.

We have updated the ecommerce API to support the transmission of three additional fields of information: • Discount Date This specifies the last date that the discount applies. (This allows the API to compare the discount date to the date the payment is being made to ensure the discount can be applied.) • Discount Amount The calculated amount of the discount. (This provides the amount of the discount, which the API can subtract from the ROA payment balance.) • Outstanding Amount Discount The original amount that can be discounted, minus the discount amount, and minus the customer’s account payment, minus any additional discounts not included above. Additional details are available in the API Guide.

Enhanced Item Description Look up

When you are looking for an inventory item and cannot remember the exact name or Item ID, you can use a tool for searching the item descriptions to find the right materials quickly. The Item Description Search features to give you those tools. Traditionally, you were restricted to searching for 32 characters when you used a Description search, we have expanded this to 300 characters, when needed. Additionally, we have added additional description search tools, such as using quotes (“Drill Bit”) and using wild cards (Drill B*) to help search for items using their extended item description. The search results show the closest matches at the top and any additional results that match the criteria below.

You can use this feature wherever there is an Item list (Point of Sale, Inquiry, Item Maintenance, etc.). This feature is restricted to ECI Hosted customers only. Adding this feature requires a lot of additional database overhead, which we can manage better in our hosted environment. To enable this feature, reach out to the Implementation or Support teams; as it is disabled by default. Once enabled, there are no special permissions required to use this feature; it is accessible to all users.

Customers have told us that when their sales and cashier team members are trying to get a customer the materials they need, they cannot always look up the information using the 32-character description we restrict them to. We have used shorter descriptions to better use the space in the data grid. But this limitation should not affect your ability to see the whole description, which ensures you choose the right item for your customers.

Using the Enhanced Item Description Search Feature

We are demonstrating this feature in Point of Sale, but it works anywhere there is an Item list. The new description search strategies include:

  • Entering two words, like (Drill Bit) in the Item field, results in the display of all inventory items that have either Drill Bit or Bit Drill in the Item Description,

  • Entering two words using quotes, like (“Drill Bit”), results in the display of all inventory items with that exact text (as you would see when searching in a web browser), and

  • Entering text with a wild card *, (Drill B*), allows you to search for all items that start with Drill and have B as the next character. This wild card feature can be used more than once, so you could also enter Dr* B* and get all matching results.

Searching using the Exact Text

These steps work in any data grid that contains the Item column.

To search for an item using exact text:

1. In the Item list, type the text you want to search for.

2. Right-click the Item list drop-down icon to display options and select Description.
The matching results display:

Item Description Search (Entered Text Only)

3. Scroll through this list to find the item you are looking for or click the More option to display additional inventory items.

Searching using Quotes

But, what if you don’t want to see items that don’t contain the words, Drill Bit?

To search for an item using quotes:

1. In the Item list, type the text you want to search for with quotes around it: “Drill Bit”.

2. Right-click the Item list drop-down icon to display options and select Description.
The matching results display:

Item Description Search (Using Quotes)

3. Scroll through this list to find the item you are looking for or click the More option to display additional inventory items that match the quotes-based search criteria.

Searching using Wild Cards

To search for an item using one or more wild cards:

1. In the Item list, type the text you want to search for, typing a * after the last character you know: Dri* B*.

2. Right-click the Item list drop-down icon to display options and select Description.
The matching results display:

Item Description Search (Using Wild Cards)

3. Scroll through this list to find the item you are looking for or click the More option to display additional inventory items that match the wild card-based search criteria.

Note: If you use the character, * in your Item descriptions, the application does not search for them as characters. So, if you search for Drill*Bit and you are looking for items that have the * in it, the application will not search for that character specifically.

When the items display in the list, if you cannot see all of the characters, you can drag the Description column heading border to display more. This is particularly useful when the information you need is at the end of the description.

Unit of Measure Changes

Quantities and pricing reflect the unit of measure displayed. Changing the unit of measure (U/M) to a measure with some other value (other than 1:1) can optionally modify the related quantity or price. If the "convert" box is checked clip0189, the existing quantity or price will be converted to a value equal to the current value (displayed in the drop down). The "convert" option will not change existing extended amounts. If the "convert" option is not checked, the existing quantity or price will not change, and will be used to re-calculate extended amounts.



Pricing Changes

There are a number of ways to affect pricing. Users can modify the price by typing another in, select a reprice option (F6), type a discount, or select an alternate price from the input drop-down. Typed keyboard shortcuts are also available. For example, type L2 in the unit price field to use the level 2 price, or D20 to do a 20% discount.



The "Disc" or "discount" column has two (2) purposes. If an item allows discounts, the column can be used to specify a line item discount by entering a percentage. For items which are not discountable, the column will display the letter "N" (net) and won't allow changes. To mark all items on the transaction as "net," you can use the "Mark as Net" option available from the menu marker Menu_Marker_Icon found on the right-hand side of the grid (user security can limit your ability to view or utilize menu marker functions).

Main Menu > Point of Sale > Orders

Mark As Net

Using "Switch to" to Change Transactions*

It's possible to begin a Point of Sale transaction as one type and change to another while retaining much of the information from the original. All items (and item comments), pricing, customer-job selection, customer PO#, and deliveryinformation are moved the new selection. Other information is not maintained unless it is permanently associated with the customer or job. This includes a number of fields located on the Process (F12) form such as print and transmit options, adjustments, and any manually entered information such as a tax exempt number or purchase agent.

To "switch" transactions, use the menu marker Menu_Marker_Icon1 next to the totals panel in the upper right-hand corner of the application window:



*Security settings can block a user from viewing, and therefore accessing, any menu marker options.