
The Tally (ALT-Y) tab is used for specifying information regarding tally items and their members (child items). Out of the eleven (11) selections are nine (9) types of tally items: pull-to-length, random length, fixed length, lot/location, sheet metal, lineal, hardwood, U/M tally, and Unit Tally. Each type has it's own separate documentation. Please use the links or navigate to the Tally Items topic found in the Special Topics section of the Help for more information. Some types of tally items are linked to other inventory items, others are not. Items that are neither a tally item nor a member of a tally that links to items default to the "not a tally member" selection.

Main Menu > Inventory (or Point of Sale or Purchasing) > Database > Item

Item Maintenance, Common, Tally (Tab)

When an item is linked with a Tally item as a child/member, the "Tally Member" radio button would be selected along with the Tally Item SKU. This tab panel will change based upon the radio list button selected.


Please refer to the special topic, Tally Items, for more detailed information about each specific type of Tally and how they are used.