Point of Sale Utilities

The Point of Sale Utilities give you tools for processing, updating, and changing transaction information found in the databases. In some cases you can also use these tools to generate documents based on previous transactions.

Invoice POS Assured Sales

Use the Invoice POS Assured Sales utility to process POS Assured sales in the application, so it applies the amounts to the appropriate records in the database.

Cash Drawer

The cash drawer utility is used to view the current balance of a cash drawer and will list the transactions (documents) making up that balance. A "tally" function can be used to add up the checks, currency, and coins in a drawer for comparison to the amounts tallied by the application.

Credit Limit Override

This utility is used for processing a remote credit override and displays useful reference information for the credit manager's review.

Bar Code Entry

This utility is used for associating bar codes with items using a data file.

Invoice Reversal

Invoice reversal is used for reversing a Point of Sale sale or return. Reversing a sale produces a credit sale and reversing a credit sale produces a sale. Reversals themselves cannot be reversed. There are some restrictions on reversals when transactions contain certain types of items, etc. that require user involvement or wouldn't normally be allowed in a credit sale, for example. In these cases, the users is provided a message and will have to manually reverse the sale.


The maintenance choice offers four (4) sub-level utilities: account global modify and job global modify. Global modify utility programs allow a user to make broad changes quickly and easily. Caution should be used, however, because it's possible to make mistakes affecting a large number of records.

Account Global Modify

This global modify utility is used for making changes to account records in the database.

Job Global Modify

This global modify utility is used for making changes to account records in the database.

Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp®) Maintenance

This utility is used for processing updates for the Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) customer database. Capital One Trade Credit (formerly BlueTarp) is an independent company that provides credit management services.