ProLink - Feature Summary

The following topics discuss the features found within the ProLink app. Brief summaries are provided below. Use the links for more in-depth documentation about each feature. Most features are accessed from the Menu in the ProLink app. Menus are accessed somewhat differently based on the type of device.

For Android Platform devices, the menu can be accessed by swiping from left to right (Android platform) or by choosing Menu from the menu button located on the title bar (near the top).

For Apple® iOS devices, you can select "Menu" from the upper right-hand corner (on the title bar).

Sign in

This topic explains how the consumer would sign into the app either after initial installation, password change, or sign-out. In addition, the forgotten password and sign-out options are discussed.


This is default view when an app user (consumer) initially signs into the app. The "home" view displays the customer's last billed balance (statement due total) as well as any new charges. If your company allows "online payments," and the customer's account has a "card on file," the consumer can submit a payment on-account from the Home view. In addition to payment information, the "home" view also provides contact information. The "home" view displays both the branch logo and promotional banner if defined.

Shop (or Products)

This menu item allows the consumer to browse the groups and items you have enabled for E-Commerce. The menu item is named either "Shop" or "Products" depending upon whether your ProLink parameters "all on-line orders." When orders are allowed, the word "shop" is displayed and one additional menu item, "cart" is also provided. The menu item is labeled "products" when on-line ordering is not enabled. The "add to cart" button is only shown in the product listing if on-line ordering is permitted.


The menu item named "cart" is only displayed if your company allows order submission via the ProLink app. When shown, it lists the items currently in the "cart" (items that the customer previously added to their cart). Items can only be added to the cart after a "store" (if multi-branch) and "job" (if the consumer has more than one job) have been selected by the end-user. Store selection is not required for companies who have a single branch enabled for ProLink. Job selection is not required for customers who don't have more than one job (all accounts have one master job zero). Item quantities can be updated directly from the cart. Consumers can also remove items from their cart prior to submission. Submission takes one of two (2) forms: order or quote. Orders are considered a commitment to purchase, quotes are basically a request for pricing.


The "orders" menu item lists order documents as well as the status of orders submitted via the app that have not yet been processed. Order requests submitted via the app are "pending" until they are either processed from the application or rejected. Rejected orders are listed under a separate section in the Orders view.


The "quotes" menu item lists quote documents as well as the status of any quotes submitted via the app that have not yet been processed. Quotes are lists of products with quantities and pricing that a customer has expressed an interest in purchasing but has not necessarily committed to. Quotes typically have an expiration date at which time the pricing on the quote is no longer guaranteed.


Documents allows the consumer to find and view any document that is associated with their account and that would normally be available to a customer by request. Some document types are intentionally excluded.


The account menu item lists additional details about the customer's account and balances.


Stores lists information about your companies branch locations (if enabled for ProLink) as well as contact and other information for your company and/or branch (store) location.