EDI - Orgill, Inc.

The following list includes the current functionality of EDI with Orgill, Inc.:

  • Sending Purchase Orders, both Regular and Promotional.
    Tip: There is a special process for Orgill Purchase orders for back-ordering special order items which may be out of stock. When you process the order document, click the Transmit > EDI tabs and in the Promotion/Bulletin field, enter 997. When you do, Orgill automatically back orders your items so when the materials come in, they send them to you as soon as they are available.

  • Receive Purchase Order Updates

  • Receive File Maintenance (updates catalog, vendor-item, and optional inventory item data).
    This may be automated.

  • Receive Price Changes
    This may be automated.

  • Catalog Load

  • Load Bar Codes

  • Associate Item Images with Inventory (Optional)
    ECI Support can enable this feature upon request. This affects image availability in Point of Sale folders and the Item Maintenance and Inquiry forms only, the ProLink app, and the Image List feature only. The vendor catalog will show available images regardless of whether images have been associated directly with your items.

For additional information, please visit the following links (topics).

Orgill - Setup

Orgill - Overrides

Orgill - Automation

The X12 IDs option doesn't apply to most users but is documented in the following topic sections as well.

Orgill - FanBuilder


For documentation regarding general EDI processing (submitting orders, retrieving data, etc.), please see the Vendor EDI topic.