Cost Corrections

Cost corrections are used for adjusting the cost of a prior receipt for an item. From this activity, a user can select either: (1) a receipt document adjustment, (2) a transfer-in document adjustment, or (3) a received item cost correction.

What's are the differences?

A "receipt document" correction is limited to adjusting costs after receiving in order to apply (or modify) freight, or other charges, that weren't known at the time receiving was done.

"Transfer" cost corrections are similar to the Receipt Document option and allows your company to apply adjustments (adders, etc.) to goods transferred to your location by another branch (store, warehouse, etc.).

"Received Item Cost Corrections" involve the costs that specific items were received at.

Receiving purchases of inventory and transfers between branch locations can change items' average costs. When products are sold or returned after a receipt or transfer occurs which changed the average cost for those items, adjustments are usually necessary. Automated corrections are applied when needed for all types of corrections available here.

Receipt Document Corrections

Transfer Document Corrections

Receipt Item Cost Corrections

Reporting Tip!

A number of database tables are involved with Cost Corrections. Receipt Document Corrections and Transfer Document Corrections both use the DocumentCorrectionsHdr and DocumentCorrectionsDtl tables. Received Item Corrections are maintained separately in the ItemCorrectionsHdr and ItemCorrectionsDtl tables. As with most tables used with documents, links between the summary data (hdr) and details (dtl) tables are based on the DocIDInternal identity value (an integer) of the document. This same column (DocIDInternal) is used to link the correction data to the Documents table.

Documents are assigned a type enumeration which is an integer value used to indicate the kind of document. Receipt Document Corrections and Transfer Document Corrections both share the same document type (DocType) which is a value of 1 (one). Received Item Corrections are a document type value of 15 (fifteen).