Purchase Level II Data (Verifone)

The term “level” describes the type of data that is sent to the card processor when a card transaction is done. “Level I” refers to basic data and includes: card number (account), date, amount, supplier category, supplier name, city, state, and zip code. When “Level II” data is sent, it indicates that all the “Level I” data is being sent along with the following additional data: sales tax amount, sales tax indicator, customer code, purchase ID, and purchase ID format. The purchase ID is the customer's PO number (if any). The customer code is the invoice number. Only one or the other (customer code or purchase ID) is required in addition to the sales tax amount to receive a better rate.

Card processors prefer more data as opposed to less and may offer better (lower) rates for processing when this data is present.

Purchase Level II Data can be sent as long as your company is either (1) using Verifone Point or (2) is using the legacy PAYware Connect software integration and meets the following requirements:

All pads must be set to VeriFone SIM version (2_0_4_7) or later.

Device Key (Level) Authentication should be enabled for all pads.

Your company must be using a re-certified processor due to the changes in the data structure. The following processors have been re-certified and/or can be enabled for Purchase Level II Data:


Chase Paymentech™

If your processor is not listed here, please contact ECI Software Solutions, Inc. to check and see whether or not your processor has been re-certified or not.

Support Staff must enable the Purchase Level II Data on your system. This is only done upon your request. There is no charge for this.