Image List

Image List provides a visual method for item selection in Point of Sale. The list includes between one (1) and four (4) organizational layers that eventually link to item images. A maximum of five (5) levels of self-defined layers are possible (the final or last layer is always comprised of items). Up to five (5) columns of lists or items can be added to the list. There is no limit on the number of rows. The Image List is defined from the Database menu in the Inventory area.


The Image Lists maintenance form provides the ability to define the image list and make any changes to the image list once created. There are two (2) types of entries used with the Image List feature: items and lists. Each level is comprised of either lists or items, not both. Once items are added, no further levels can be defined.


Lists link to additional levels to provide categorization function. Layers typically start with the most general categories and link to more and more specific classifications. For example, you might create a list for "Lumber & Building Supplies" and then additional sub lists below that of "Lumber," "Roofing Products," and "Siding" as well as any others nested within those (Lumber might link to levels for "treated" and so on). Lists split down to further levels that include either additional categories (lists) and eventually a final level comprised solely of items. List names must be defined from the Code Definitions, Lists tab before being available for use.


While working on defining your company's Image List, keep the Code Definitions form open so that you can easily save new list names as necessary.


Items are linked to items (usually with an image) and provide visual selection while in a transaction. Images can be associated with an item from the Images tab of the Item Maintenance form or using the Image Load utility.

Add Control

The add control button creates a new "empty" list or item panel on the form area. Controls are added from left-to-right and top-to-bottom on the form. If you want to add controls vertically, you do have to select the "add control" button until you reach a new row. New controls are only saved if they are assigned a list name or to an inventory item, so any empty controls will be removed when you save your changes (save changes by clicking the links at the top of the form or closing the form).

Images Displayed

This check box determines whether or not "list" controls display images for the current level when the Image List is being used (invoked) at Point of Sale. When images aren't displayed for lists, the panel (control) size is reduced which allows for more lists to be visible on the form at once. It's important to understand that this won't change whether or not list images are displayed while in the maintenance form. Images will always be shown in the maintenance form if they have been associated with the list.

Item Selection using Image List (Point of Sale)

Image List: List with Image Display Disabled

Item Selection using Image List (Point of Sale)

Image List: Lists with Images

Level Links

As a user navigates through the layers of the Image List, navigation links are placed at the top of the form. When the list is used at Point of Sale, these links are shown with a blue text-color and are underlined similar to a hyperlink in a document or web page. Clicking on the links navigates the user to that level. In the Maintenance form, the links are not colored or underlined, but also work the same way. In addition, the links in the maintenance form also save any changes.

Image List: Level Links

Image List: Level Links

Using Row and Column Labels

As you add items and lists, you'll notice that text areas are provided along the side and across the top of the main panel. These are provided for optional labels. Labels might be used to indicate dimensions, sizes, colors, or any other attribute that might apply.

Image List Labels

Image List Labels

Quick Points about the Image List

There is one image list.

The list allows up to a maximum five (5) layers or levels of organization.

The last or final level would include items only.

Each list you add on the "start" level can link to it's own separate collection of additional lists, so although the number of layers is limited to five (5), the number of lists you can create within the layers is unlimited.

Each level can have up to five (5) columns (vertical) and an unlimited number of rows (horizontal).

The list retains the last selected layer during the same application session. Due to this, maintenance changes made to products currently open in the list (while the list is in use) won't typically be reflected until either a change to the list level is made or the user signs out of the application.

When making changes to the list, changes are saved automatically. There is no Process (F12) or save function needed. After initially adding a list, you should log-off and back on.

Layers (aka. Levels) can only include either links to additional layers or items, not both. We intend that a list would graduate from less detail to more ending finally with a level of items for selection.

Once any items are added to a layer, no additional levels (layers) below that level can be added. Items generally would not be added at the top level layers.

Empty row and column labels and image panels are not saved. They must have some value in order to be saved.

To delete an existing label or image panel, clear the text associated with the panel or text area and click the "start" link (or close the form).

There is no limit to the number of panels you can add at any level; however, you should consider how your employees will use the list. Too many items or lists may be cumbersome.

It is not possible to mix a "level" of lists with items. Lists can link to either other list levels or a level containing only items. Once an item level is created, no additional list or item levels can be created; however, you can rearrange levels (layers) using the Tree View (F5) function.

How is the Image List accessed?

The Image List is accessed from the alternate menu on the standard item drop-down control. The user is presented with a form displaying lists or items linked to a list.

Once shown, the image list can be used for item selection, but also provides the ability to view item images and lists even if you aren't in a transaction. Users can leave the Image Lists form open between transactions and even application areas. And, even if the list is closed, we retain the last location and return the user to it when the Image List is redisplayed (this is only done until the application is closed). The only exception to this is if the user changes branches. In this case, the data in the image list may no longer be accurate, so we close the background form.

How do I add images to a list or item?

For layers that include lists, you can drag & drop an image onto any "list" panel to associate an image with the list. A list name must be selected prior to saving. Click the "start" or current level link to save your changes.

For layers that involve items, the image must be associated with the item. This can be accomplished in a number of ways. Images can be associated with items from the Images tab on the Item Maintenance form. Images can also be loaded using the Image Load utility (available from the Inventory area). If your company uses EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) with certain vendors, we can pull item images from their catalog and associate them with items as well (this is done only upon request).

How do I create a new level for additional lists or items?

Easy, double-click on the list you want to add a new level from.

Tree View (F5)

The Tree View (F5) function provides the ability to visualize the image list as a list with expandable nodes. The tree view only includes list levels, not items. Click and drag nodes to move levels from one grouping to another or elsewhere within the same group level.