F3 - Style

The F3 (style) function is used to change the format of a data grid. It is only provided on some forms where a data grid control is present.

For example, use this in Point of Sale activities to display gross margins for all the items in the grid. When most style options are used, the data grid is read-only; however, the data grid can be permanently sorted using the visible columns and will retain this order if you then return to the default style using the Style (F3) function. Changes and additions cannot be made to the grid while any alternate "style" is applied. A small drop down menu is used for selecting the type of viewing style when choosing the Style (F3) function.

Once the display is no longer necessary or you want to return to entry, select the default display using the F3 (style) key (the "default" is always the first {top} selection in the list of view choices).

While a style mode is active, feel free to sort the grid by clicking on any of the column heading cells. The grid may be returned to the default sort by pressing the ESC (escape) key. Sorted columns are also "read-only," so until the sort is canceled, no further entry or changes may be done.