Receivables Utilities

There are four (4) utility programs under the Receivable area: Open Credits, Account Global Modify, Invoice Recurring, and Account Merge.

Receivables Utilities

Open Credits

The Open Credits utility allows users to (1) list all open credits or (2) open and/or closed credits by account. This utility also can be used to modify the posting dates on credits.

Account Global Modify

The Global Modify utility, also accessible from the Point of Sale area, can be used to make database changes to multiple customers at one time.

Invoice Recurring

This utility, also available from the Point of Sale area, is used for establishing recurring charges (debits) to a customer's account. This might be used for service or budget billing for and is also used for Installed Sales billing.

Account Merge

This utility can be used to merge (combine) two (2) different accounts together as one.