Item Types > Clothing (3)

In some areas, clothing items may be non-taxable either all the time or during specified time periods (such as "tax free weeks"). This type can be used to separate these items from other inventory making global changes and reporting easier.
Note: setting an item to a "clothing" type does not alter taxable status or any other settings automatically.

In the United States, a "clothing exempt" check box is located on the Sales Tax Maintenance form that indicates whether the tax location levels are clothing exempt or not (this is by level because clothing may be exempt at the state level but not county, for example). This setting is not available for use in the UK or in Canada. In most cases, the clothing items remain "taxable" in Item Maintenance, but are treated as exempt due to the "clothing exempt" check boxes found on the Sales Tax Maintenance form. If, in your area, clothing items are always exempt and you don't have to report them separately, you can just make the items "taxable=N" in Item Maintenance. The clothing distinction is more for use in areas where the tax status of clothing changes (tax free weeks) or where clothing items are partially taxable (tax free at the state but not local levels, for example). If you need the total sales for clothing items, you can use the Sales Tax Inquiry. Standard sales tax reports don't include clothing sales.

In the database, the InventoryCommon table contains a column named ItemType that maintains an integer (whole number) value. The integer represents an enumeration (number code) used to indicate the item type. "Clothing" type items have an ItemType value of three (3).