Item Analyzer

This utility compares a vendor's catalog records with matching items in your inventory. This tool can be used to identify differences between the two (2) more easily. Changes by the vendor or differences in inventory setup can cause issues with purchasing, for example. To compare items, choose a vendor and then select the fields from the catalog that you want to compare to inventory. The listing of vendors is only populated with vendors who have catalog records. The listing of fields is currently the same for all vendors except for True Value Company. In the case of True Value, additional selections are provided. This utility was specifically added for use by True Value members, but can be used by anyone.

Choose View (F8) to populate the data grid once selections are made or changed.


The list of fields available varies depending on whether the vendor is True Value or not. The table below indicates which fields are available to which vendor.


Catalog Fields


UPC, Department, Fineline, Class, Description, OrderMultiple1, OrderMultiple2, OrderMultiple3, OrderMultCost1, OrderMultCost2, OrderMultCost3, PackageQty, Discontinue, VendorUM, ListPrice, UnitCost, PrimaryVendor, Weight

True Value

UPC, Department, Fineline, Class, Description, OrderMultiple1, OrderMultiple2, OrderMultiple3, OrderMultCost1, OrderMultCost2, OrderMultCost3, PackageQty, Discontinue, VendorUM, ListPrice (True Value Suggested), UnitPrice (Variable Price), UnitCost, PrimaryVendor, Weight, DiscontinueReason, Model

Once the data grid is populated (View (F8)), any items with differences for the selected fields will be listed. Multiple rows will list for the same item if more than one discrepancy is found for the item. Use the "Print" option (right-click on the data grid) to print the list of items. The "Print Preview" option can be used to adjust the page orientation and other settings before printing.

This utility does not change any settings on inventory items unless you have the proper permissions. It's just a tool for comparison. Changes would typically be made in Item Maintenance. If you wish to update prices through the Item Analyzer tool, the steps do so are documented below.

Price Updates through Item Analyzer

This utility compares a vendor's catalog records with matching items in your inventory. This tool can be used to identify differences between the two (2) more easily. Changes by the vendor or differences in inventory setup can cause issues with purchasing, for example. To compare items, choose a vendor and then select the fields from the catalog that you want to compare to inventory. If any discrepancy occurs, a prompt will appear asking whether user wants to create a price update. Only users who have the required permissions can perform these updates.

Setting Permissions

In order to make price updates from the Item Analyzer window, a user must have the required permissions. Permissions are set in Maintenance > Database > User IDs. Select the user and click on the blue context button next to the Application Security field on the Security tab. From the POS Permissions List Code Maintenance window, scroll to the bottom of the list and select the "Allow Item Updates through Item Analyzer" and/or " Allow Price Changes through Item Analyzer". Click on the "Apply" button to accept changes and "Return" to return to the previous dialog window.

oAllow Item Updates through Item Analyzer - Directly changes the inventory.

oAllow Price Changes through Item Analyzer - Creates a price update that can be reviewed/edited before being applied to the inventory.

Updating Prices Using Item Analyzer

1.Once permissions are set, navigate to Inventory > Utilities > Item Analyzer. From the Item Analyzer dialog window, select the Vendor, and select the fields to compare. Click on the F8(View) button or press the F8 function key on your keyboard to view the differences. Press on the F12 key to process.


2.A prompt informing the user that price and/or cost changes have been identified changes will appear. In order to process with the price updates, click "Yes". If you don't want to proceed at this time, click on "No" and you will be returned to the previous screen. If you clicked yes, another window will appear advising that a Price Update file was created.  

3.To proceed with the price updates, go to Inventory > Price Updates. Select the Price/Cost Entry radio button. Enter the effective date for the price change to take place.When you tab out of the date field, a pop-up window will appear prompting whether you want to copy the existing price update data. Click Yes to process.


4.The transaction area will populate with the data from the price update data file. Select the "Auto Apply" checkbox if you wish for the nightly routine to look at all unapplied price updates and to apply the changes to the inventory items if the current date is greater than the effective date. Click F12 (Process) or press the F12 function key on your keyboard. A Branch List pop-up will appear, select which branch(es) to apply the changes to and click on Accept.


Note that the price may differ because of conversion. The value in the catalog is based on the purchasing UM and the value in the Inventory is base on the retail UM. By taking the the catalog price and dividing by the retail UM, you will get the price that is in the suggested list or market cost.