PS Charge Returns

Charge Returns is a Point of Sale transaction used exclusively for processing returns as credit memos to receivables customers (store-managed charge accounts). The Charge Return document can be created from the Charge Returns transaction, but also may originate from a Sales transaction as well as the Invoice Orders and Invoice Tickets utilities in some cases (when "credit" orders or tickets for receivables customers are included in bulk-invoicing).

Charge Return documents are distinguished from regular returns by a label. Receivable credit memos are labeled as a "return" vs. the word "invoice" which is printed for other cash-type returns (cash, check, bankcard, etc.).


Document Search Options

A number of Search Options are offered for PS Invoice type documents. These include filtering the documents based on account, job, item, amount, and additional selections (which include the customer's PO number, phone number, purchaser, shipping name, tax exempt number, and user keys). Users can also specify one or more branches (when applicable) and the standard selection criteria that includes date ranges, user ID, reference ID, and notes. Most search and selection criteria may be used in combination and most fields support the use of the % wildcard character.


Charge Return Styles

There are currently three (3) styles for Charge Return documents: return, file, and mail.

1. Return
This is the default style for Charge Returns. It is almost identical to the invoice default style.

2. File
This style is provided for your company's reference only and includes costs. Only users with security permission to view Costs/Margins are allowed to view and selection File Copy styles.

3. Mail
This style is the same as the default style except that the customer addresses are oriented to fit in a windowed envelope.