Branch (Customer Orders)

The Branch (ALT-R) tab only applied to companies with more than one location. It allows specification of the branch location supplying the materials sold and the branch that should receive credit for the sale (once the order is invoiced and assuming the branch designations aren't changed at that time). In most cases, later customer order selection will be allowed whenever the user's current branch matches with any of the branches associated with the order: inventory provided by branch, sale credited to branch, or the branch where the order originated (processed from). This is a general rule and there may be exceptions.

Purchase Order Document: Branch Tab

When ordering and using branch designations, the inventory linked with the order is committed in the "inventory provided by" branch, not the "sale credited to" location. Because committed quantity is affected, available quantity automatically reflects this as well in the supplying branch. Branch designations may be modified at time of sale if desired, but otherwise, the future sale will use the branches designated by the order being invoiced. Beyond committing inventory, no other action is taken at time of ordering.

Inventory Provided by Branch

The branch location where ordered items are to be supplied from. This is the branch location where the inventory is committed (reducing that branch's available quantity for the item). This branch may be modified prior to sale of the order when invoicing is done manually from the Point of Sale, Sales transaction. In some cases, the branch may be designated on an item-by-item basis (see the "Branch Designations by Item" section of this topic).

Sale Credited to Branch

This is the branch location where the future sale of the order will be recorded (as long as the branch isn't modified prior to invoicing the order).


Click the "warehouse" check box to set the "inventory provided by branch" to your location's designated warehouse branch (if any). A warehouse branch must be designated in the Branch Setup form prior to being used here (see Maintenance, Database, Branches).