Inventory Folders > Pricing

The Pricing tab displays pricing information regarding the selected or current item when applicable.


Item (and Description)

This lists the current inquiry item and is repeated on each "inventory" tab for reference. The folders will display information regarding the item from the most recent row selection made in the grid. The selected item's description is displayed below the SKU. This description is truncated to fit in the available area. Actual descriptions may be longer than the space allowed (resize the grid to view an item's entire description).


The "Alternates" area will list "alternate" stock numbers for the item. These codes are useful as shortcuts for item selection, but may also be used for indicating how an item is sold (123 vs. 123BOX, for example) because an alternate SKU can be linked with a specific unit of measure (PC, BOX, LF, etc.). Using alternates, keeps item selection simple while allowing a longer SKU for the item. A longer item SKU may be useful for determining the order in which an item appears in selection lists and on reports, for example. It also may be used for a manufacturer's SKU if different from your company's stock number. If there are no alternate SKUs, this area remains empty. Alternate SKUs appear in item selection listings but are highlighted in red text.


It's possible to specify a substitute item for a product. This would indicate the item to be used in place of the desired product if there is not enough stock to satisfy a request.


This panel lists the Suggested List price and the Store Retail level (the 1st level of item pricing) along with the Unit of Measure prices at this first level (if an item has 4 different units of measure, the price is listed for each one). If the store retail level is calculated (based upon a discount, margin, or markup, for example), the calculation abbreviation and amount/percentage are displayed in parentheses. For more information about pricing, click here.

The "Update On" date lists the last time pricing was modified for the selected item (this date only updates for permanent price changes, not temporary changes made during transactions).


Each item maintains three (3) costs: market cost, last receipt, and weighted average. The market cost is a manual cost that may or may not be used by your company. It is intended to be used as the "going rate" for new purchases of the product. The "last receipt" cost is set each time an item is received and is the cost from the most recent receipt. Weighted average is recalculated each time an item is received based upon the existing quantity and average cost and the new quantity and cost being added to inventory.

The "Update On" date lists the last time costs were updated for the selected item. If an item's costs haven't been updated in a long time, it can be a good idea to check for the current cost of the product prior to ordering or quoting prices that may be based upon the old costs.


Your company may choose to use up to 7 price levels with inventory items. Any levels being used are listed in this panel. Levels may be a set price or they can be calculated as a discount or cost margin/markup. Only the determined price for each level is listed, the method used to calculate each price is not shown. The unit of measure used for price levels will be the item's assigned Point of Sale Pricing measurement (this can be viewed in either Item Maintenance or Inquiry under the Branch and Codes tabs with the heading Default Unit of Measure Pricing).

Sale Dates

If the item is currently on sale (Sale Pricing), the current sale pricing for the item will be listed. Up to two concurrent sale prices can be kept for any given item.