
RockSolid MAX software is a document-based application, and management of documents is one of the most important features of the software. Almost all transactions create documents, and documents are used for a wide range of purposes. All documents, regardless of purpose, have a basic structure that is shared. This allows us to produce unlimited links between any given document and other related documents as needed. Beyond this basic shared structure, individual document types use transaction-specific information to build the details required for each particular type of document.

The Documents (ALT-D) option on the toolbar opens the Documents selection form and is available from every application area including the main menu.

Once open, the Documents form used for listing, searching, and selecting documents for viewing (using the Document Viewer). All document types may be accessed using this same form (everything from Point of Sale invoices to customer statements). There are over 30 different types of documents and many documents have alternative styles that may be used for changing the print format of the document. Note: reports (such as financial statements, etc.) are not considered documents and cannot be accessed from this form.

Documents may be printed during processing, but even if they aren't printed, documents are still created and available for future reference. Documents are displayed in the Document Viewer, a separate form window specifically designed for viewing documents and links. The document viewer is also used for previewing reports.

Some documents offer a variety of styles, these formats change the appearance and information displayed for a given document. Use the "format" option on the alternate mouse menu to change a document's style (hover over the document displayed in the main window panel).

Document Linkage

Links between related documents are automatically generated. For example, a customer's order may link to a purchase order that links to a receipt document that links to a payable's invoice, and so on. These links allow users who view one document to quickly view any of the other documents that are linked to the original. Links can be seen and used once a document is selected and displayed in the Document Viewer. Most links are bidirectional, but a few are one way only.