POQDue - Defined

POQDue (Purchase Order Quantity Due)

The POQDue or "Due to Arrive" figure is related to an item's on-order quantity. It's calculated based upon the current date, purchase order data, and item settings. The purpose of the "due to arrive" figure is to ascertain the quantity expected to be delivered (received) from purchase orders within a time frame based upon the item's lead time and the current date. The following explains the conditions applied during the calculation of this quantity:

Only open Purchase Order documents are considered (not closed).

Both branch and consolidated Purchase Orders for the current branch are included. Branch allocations on purchase orders are not split out by branch, so if consolidated purchasing is done, the ordering branch would show the full quantity due to arrive on the consolidated purchase order. Again, these amounts won't appear for each branch.

Only Purchase Orders with a status of "ordered" are considered (Purchase Orders can be just "saved" and not ordered).

The detail item must be open on the purchase order (not received).

The POQDue, "due to arrive," quantity is set if to match the sum quantity of the item ordered on purchase orders with an "expected/due" date that falls within a period of time. This period is determined by adjusting the current date by the item's lead time (adding the number days to the current date). If the item has a lead time setting of zero, the lead time is assumed to be 7 days.

In summary, the "due to arrive" is the quantity of the item that is expected to be delivered within the ordering period for that item if it were to be ordered today. This figure is calculated when needed. The POQDue quantity is rarely displayed; however, it is actively used by the software for a variety of purposes. One place the actual figure is shown is in the Consolidated transaction found on the Purchasing menu.