Contacts (Account)

Contacts (Alt-O) may be associated with an account, job, vendor, etc. Every account has at least one contact which is added automatically as information regarding the new account is entered. Contact # 0 (zero) is the primary contact for an account by default; however, many contacts can be associated with the account. A number of contact related fields are included (phone numbers, E-mail, etc.).


If adding a new contact, use the Save (F6) function. When changing an existing contact, the "save" function re-displays as Modify, but uses the same function key, F6. Choose Modify (F6) when making changes to an existing contact. It's important to point out that the Process (F12) function does not automatically save updates to contacts, only the save/modify function does so. If a contact was selected for modification, and changes were not saved, a "sub folders have unsaved changes" task list warning will appear if you attempt to save the account.

Some settings at the contact level, such as fax number or email address, are required for statement delivery by fax or Email. These settings need to be completed prior to designating a delivery method that would use them. It is possible to assign multiple Email addresses to the same contact. To do this, separate each individual address with either a comma (,) or semicolon (;). Multiple addresses are split into separate "mail-to" recipients, and all addresses will be visible to the recipient of the Email.

Email and Delivery

Email is a fast, easy, and inexpensive way to deliver copies of documents to customers and vendors; however, users should also keep in mind that Email delivery is not guaranteed. Even with a valid Email address, it's possible that any given message may never reach the intended recipient. In addition, there isn't a foolproof way of confirming delivery without some type of response from, or communication with, the intended recipient.

From the application, it's possible to see if an Email was submitted successfully or not to your designated SMTP server, but this is still no guarantee of delivery. An email may have a valid domain, but not be a valid account. Sometimes the recipient's mail server will bounce the message back to the sender, but not always. It is also possible for the mail server host or the recipient's mail application to automatically delete any messages it thinks are spam.

Before you rely on Email for important communication, such as billing, we suggest that your company put in place some type of Email verification process. This may be as simple as sending one manual test Email to the customer and asking them to reply as confirmation they've received the message. After receiving the confirmation, you then enable Email delivery.

In addition, it may be wise to provide customers who opt to choose Email delivery with some form of agreement, disclaimer, or statement regarding possible delivery issues. For example, this might inform them that Email delivery is not guaranteed and that they are still responsible for paying their bill even if they don't receive a copy of their statement electronically. This statement could even be included in the initial confirmation Email along with a message that their reply constitutes agreement with your company’s terms.

Cell Phone # and Provider

The cell phone number can be entered for informational purposes only or it can be used along with some Job delivery notifications to send a text message (via Email) to the cell phone listed. To use "text" notifications, a valid cell phone and carrier are required. The drop down list of carriers is used to select the appropriate domain to use when sending text messages. Some providers may block text messages send via Email in order to limit spam. In these cases, the customer may have to unblock such messages before they will receive notifications via text message.

clip1558 Settings for Canada

Canadian settings are only available when the system parameter designates that the application is being used in Canada.

In the case of Canadian use, labels for "State" and "Zip" fields are renamed to "Province" and "Postal Code."