
Utility-type forms are typically accessed from the menu strip. The menu strip options: Inquiry, Reports, Database, and Utilities are transaction specific. Options found on these drop down menus usually open utility form windows which provide access to various functions in the software. These windows should open in front of the main application window as well as any other open utility forms. When the application is being run as a remote application (app), there have been cases where the main form gains focus (overlays) the newly opened utility form. This should not occur with normal operation; however, if you do see this, it is a result of an old Remote Desktop Client being installed on the client PC. To solve this issue, please update your Remote Desktop Client software to the most recent version available for your Windows® operating system (installing all Windows updates should correct the issue).


Utility forms each open in a separate window. The main form (window) is the parent to all utilities forms opened. If the main form is closed, any utility type forms are also closed. The same utility form may be opened more than once, and many utility forms may remain open at the same time. Utility forms can be minimized or maximized individually as well as moved around the desktop in front of or behind other windows. Utility forms may include many of the same elements found on transaction forms such as data grids and folders.