Trucks (Codes)

The Trucks (Lorry) Maintenance form is used for defining the different delivery vehicles for each branch. Each vehicle is assigned a truck/lorry (code), type (defined above), default driver, and maximum weight. Setup of Truck (lorry) Codes is required. The listing of default drivers is created from users who are assigned a type of "dispatch" and who have permission to access the branch where the truck/lorry is being added.


Press or select Process (F12) to save any changes. Choose Exit (F10) or close the window to cancel any changes.

Truck (or Lorry)

Each truck (or lorry) listed represents an individual delivery vehicle. These vehicles would be assigned to delivery runs (referred to as either a "load" or "manifest" in the software). Each vehicle must have a unique code. If you attempt to re-add an existing truck in the same branch location, it will not be saved (no warning is produced).


Type is a more general classification regarding the delivery vehicle. Some types might be flat bed, dump truck, box van, etc. These types will appear at Point of Sale and can be selected to indicate the general type of truck needed for a particular delivery. Truck types are defined separately in the Truck Types maintenance form.


The listing of drivers is a list of users who have been assigned to the "driver" user type (done in User ID Maintenance) and who have an default branch matching the current branch. Assigning a driver to a truck is not required. If a driver is assigned, the default driver will be automatically selected whenever the truck is assigned to a load.

Max Weight

The Max Weight (maximum weight) is compared to the weight of products assigned to a load for the truck. Weight is calculated for each delivery document and is based upon the weight load factors in the item database (if used). These numbers are only accurate if maintained and consistently applied. If the load exceeds the truck's maximum weight, the truck code will change to red in the Load Schedule form.

Modifying and Deleting Trucks

To modify an existing truck, make changes to the type, driver, or weight and choose Process (F12). There is no way to modify a truck ID other than deleting and re-adding the truck (this does not change the vehicle on existing deliveries). You can delete a truck by selecting the row and pressing the delete key (or choosing 'Delete' from the alternate menu) and then choose Process (F12). If a truck is removed or modified, the software will not update existing loads or deliveries that were already assigned to the deleted truck.