Point of Sale > Reprice (F6)
You can use the Reprice (F6) function to manage the pricing of items in the Point of Sale data grid. This feature is present for several transaction types, including Sales, Orders,
Use the radio buttons to choose a selection method. There are four ways you can select items for repricing:
•All Stocked Items Entered
This choice applies the reprice to ALL stocked items entered into the grid area. Non-stocked products are not affected by this reprice because their pricing is typically set manually (we assume that the desired pricing was entered at that time).
•Highlighted Items Only
To use this option, you must first select the rows (items) in the grid that should be repriced. To select a single row, click on the row selection button (the left-most column is a series of square "buttons" that can be used to select the entire row). To select multiple rows in a series, click the first row in the range (top or bottom), hold the shift key down, click on the ending row in the series (bottom or top), and release the shift key. If done properly, all rows between the start and end rows should now be selected. To select random rows, hold the Ctrl (control) key while selecting rows.
After selecting the desired rows, choose the Reprice (F6) function and remember to choose the "highlighted items only" option.
•Stocked Items in Product Group
This option allows you to reprice just those products that belong to a group and/or section you designate. When this option is chosen, a group/section selection form is displayed. Users can choose either an entire group or an individual group and section.
•By Item
The "By Item" selection method only reprices the item you specify. Alternate menu selections may be used to locate the item if needed. If the same item exists in multiple rows in the grid, all rows matching the item are updated.
"Type" refers to the reprice method. There are seven (7) reprice methods: price level, gross margin %, sub-total amount, list discount %, cost markup %, account reset, and new price. "New Price" is not available when using the "All Stocked Items Entered" selection method, however.
Price Level
Price Levels are defined in Parameters and given values in the item database. Up to 7 level prices may be defined and used with each item. Your company may choose to use fewer than all 7 levels available. Except for "store retail," levels are assigned a text description by your company (such as "Homeowner" or "Contractor," for example). Any examples in the documentation dealing with price levels will likely vary from your company's levels for this reason.
The Price Level option is the only reprice that adjusts the unit price of repriced items based upon each product's price rounding setting.
Gross Margin (GM%) percentage allows entry of an overall gross margin for the entire sale or for selected or product group items. If the reprice is being applied selectively, only those selected items will have their prices adjusted and the overall margin for the entire transaction will not match the percentage entered. Users may choose to base the margin on either the WAVG (weighted average), Market, or Last Receipt cost.
Subtotal Amount
The "sub-total" amount option allows entry of an ending sub-total amount that will be used for price adjustments. Only prices for the selected items are adjusted to match the total entered. If some items aren't selected, their prices will not be affected and the overall subtotal won't match the "sub-total" amount which was entered for the selected products. Item pricing is adjusted based on the percentage amount that each selected item's extended amount represents related to the original sub-total for those products.
Here's an example: if you have entered 5 items and each item has an extended price of $2.00, the current sub-total is $10.00. If you select one of the items, choose Reprice (F6), select "Highlighted Items Only," a type of "Subtotal Amount," and enter $8.00 for the sub-total, the selected item's price will change from $2.00 to $8.00 and the new overall subtotal will be $16.00. If you applied the same subtotal to "all items" then each item's extended amount would change to $1.60 and the sub-total would be $8.00.
List Discount %
List Discounts can be applied to reduce (or increase, if a negative discount) pricing for selected items by a percentage of their assigned "list" price.
Cost Markup %
Cost Markups allow entry of a percentage to be applied as a "markup" percentage to the item cost selected. Cost choices include market, last, and weighted average (WAVG). For more information about costs, read the section Item Costs & Pricing.
Account Reset
The "account reset" option returns pricing for selected items back to the current customer's normal pricing defaults.
New Price
This repricing type replaces the current cost of the selected items with a specific price entered in the area provided. This option may only be used with the "By Item" selection method and is disabled whenever other selection choices are used.