Item Types > Rewards Coupon (22)

Use the Rewards Coupon item type as a type of credit SKU that is used for True Value® coupons and True Value Rewards, but may also be used independently. Coupons can be linked with specific items (which may have a barcode or alternate SKU assigned) and sometimes amounts. There are two types of True Value coupons: standard and limited use. Limited use coupons have to be authorized in order for your company to receive credit and are intended to be used once (per reward's membership). The taxable status of these items determines whether the coupon affects the taxable total of the transaction. For True Value, there is a parameter that overrides the item setting, and if enabled (checked), all rewards coupons will be considered "taxable."

Taxable = Y

The coupon item won’t change the tax calculated for the transaction, similar to the “manufacturer” coupon option on the Process form. In this case, it is assumed that your company is being reimbursed for the coupon, so the tax is based on the original taxable amount before the coupon was applied.

Taxable = N

The coupon item will adjust the taxable total and therefore the sales tax calculated for the transaction. In this case, the coupon is treated similar to the a “store” coupon option on the Process (F12) form. It is assumed that the store is not being reimbursed for the coupon, so we handle it the same as a discount regarding sales tax.

In the database, the InventoryCommon table contains a column named ItemType that maintains an integer (whole number) value. The integer represents an enumeration (number code) used to indicate the item type. "Rewards Coupon" type items have an ItemType value of twenty-two (22).