Inventory > Utilities > Maintenance > Inventory Flags

This utility is used to create inventory flag codes and/or load images that you can add to customer documents when they purchase an item that has an inventory flag. This can be used for hazardous materials or other custom flags that you wish to use as an indicator. These Flag Codes and/or images can then be printed on the PS Customer Order & PS Sales Invoices documents. From within those two documents, the flags will also be visible on the following formats: Order, OrderDispatch, OrderDispatchBackorder, OrderDispatchRemaining, OrderDispatchNS, OrderPickTicket, InvoiceDispatch, InvoiceDispatchBO, InvoiceDispatchRemaining, InvoiceYard, InvoicePickTicket, DeliveryTicket, InvoiceCombo, InvoiceSavings, InvoiceRemaining.


Creating a New Inventory Flag

We recommend you create toxic/hazardous materials labels that you can add to customer documents before you begin this process.

To create a new inventory flag and add an appropriate label to it:

1. From the Main Menu, choose Inventory > Utilities > Maintenance > Inventory Flags. The Inventory Flags form displays.

2. In the Flag Code list, enter a three-digit flag code (numerical only).

3. In the Description field, enter a description that describes the type of toxin/hazardous material label you are adding to the application.

4. Choose the Load Image button and browse to the folder that contains the image you want to associated with this flag.
The application can save GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, and BMP file format files. File size is restricted to 25KB or less.

5. After you add the label, choose Save (F6) to save it. The dimensions of the image and the file size display in the row.
If you need to change the image in the future, double-click the record in the data grid and click the Replace Image button. Then click Modify (F6) to save the change.

6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each label you want to create.

7. To save all the labels to the database, choose Process (F12).

It is not required to associate an image to a flag code.

Once the Inventory Flags have been created, navigate to Item Maintenance/Common/Codes tab to associate items to the inventory flag. After you make this association, the application adds a HAZ column to the document and the flag codes will print on documents.

Edit Existing Inventory Flags

To edit an existing inventory flag, you can select the flag code in the data grid or use the drop-down arrow near the Flag Code field. The description and image can be modified. Press Modify (F6) after you complete the inventory flag change.

Use Count

This field indicates how many items are associated to the selected flag code.