Client Installation

To run the software, either a desktop shortcut or connection file is used. This shortcut or file either (1) targets a deployment folder (directory) located on your local server or (2) it runs the software as a remote app over an established VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection to a hosted server.

Local Installation

When a company has its own local server, the shortcut usually targets a "start" program (.exe) located in the shared deployment folder (directory) on the server. The short cut executes (runs) this program which checks for a local installation of the software on the client computer. If the software is not installed, the start program runs the client installer. If the software is already installed, the start program checks the client software version against the current server version and runs the client installer if the client version is lower. If the software is already installed and current, the software application is started.

The client application cannot be started directly. This restriction is in place to ensure that the versions of the client and server always match.

Remote App

When running the software as a remote app, the client software is installed on the server, not locally. A connection file (.RDP) is used to run the software. In order for this connection to work, there must be an active VPN (virtual private network) connection to the hosted server. This connection requires Internet connectivity. Connection to the remote server requires a user name and password. This information can be saved with the connection file so that it doesn't need to be entered each time you connect.

Remote apps appear to work the same as any other Windows application you may run; however, the application is not really running locally, so there are some differences. Certain operations such as "drag & drop" will not work, for example.