AIR MILES® is a points (miles) based loyalty program with wide acceptance in Canada. This form is accessed from the Database menu in the Point of Sale area. Offer codes are typically populated by support when the feature is enabled for TIMBER MART® dealers in Canada. Other sponsors may differ. The owner of an AIR MILES membership (card holder) is referred to as a "collector." There are two (2) types of offer codes: basic and bonus.

Basic offers are tied to customers not items.

Bonus offers are a flat reward point value and not based on dollar increments. Bonus offers are not tied to an account, and must be linked with an "Air Miles Offer" type item to be used.

TIMBER MART and Air Miles

TIMBER MART dealers shouldn't need to make changes in this utility; however, it does provide a way to view the offers available.

Basic offers for Timber Mart:

1.HACCOUNT = House Account


3.WHLESALE = Wholesale

Dealers can decide which customers are assigned which basic offer codes.



The upper (top) data grid lists the offer codes currently available for use with Air Miles.


There are two (2) types of offers: Basic and Bonus.

Basic - this is the guaranteed offer to the "collector" and can be assigned to a customer's account.

Bonus - are offers that are triggered by specific purchase activity and would be applied addition to a card holder's "basic" offer.

Offers are only applied when a "collector" provides their AIR MILES card or ID at Point of Sale.

Offer Code

The codes listed in our sample image are defined by the sponsor TIMBER MART. A company should not create their own offer codes unless they match a valid Loyalty One offer code. Offer codes must exist with Loyalty One to be accepted. The "sponsor" (TIMBER MART, etc.) is responsible for the maintenance of offer codes.


This column lists the description of the code and explains the conditions that the code is meant to be applied or used.

Start & End Dates

These really only apply to "bonus" offer codes. Basic offers are guaranteed and typically wouldn't be tied to dates. TIMBER MART doesn't limit offers by date; however, other sponsors may and Loyalty One permits this.


Generally, unless TIMBER MART removes a code or one is accidentally defined, you shouldn't need to delete codes. Codes can be re-added or reloaded if deleted accidentally. Codes that are in use should not be deleted.

Update Offers

The lower grouping named "Update Offers" provides options for changing offer codes. TIMBER MART dealers generally shouldn't need to use this since the codes remain fairly static. Below are some points about how what you can change on offer codes:

Specify which branches a code is available for (all branches are listed regardless of whether Air Miles is enabled).

"Max Miles" is a cap on the total number of miles that a collector can earn in a single transaction (one sale) not overall.

"Per Dollar Amount" is the increment at which the "miles" quantity is earned. There are no partial miles as far as earnings go. We always round down to the nearest integer value.

"Miles" is the number of miles earned with each "Per Dollar Amount" increment.

"Set Active Date Range" displays date fields where you can choose a range of dates. In this case, the Air Miles offer code would only be valid for that period. Timber Mart doesn't limit offers by date range; however, a company can limit the offer if they choose and non-Timber Mart dealers may have offer codes that are.


"Variable" and "multiplier" work together if enabled. A variable offer applies the multiple to the collector's "basic" offer to determine the points. For a collector with a basic offer, a multiplier of one (1) would cause double points, (2) would be triple points, etc. You have the ability to set a "cap" in miles for variable offers.

If a variable bonus offer is linked to a sale and items are added or removed changing the bonus offer points, the variable offer can change (this is done automatically).

TIMBER MART does not currently use the variable option; however, other providers may and this functionality is supported by Loyalty One.