Enhanced Customer Lookup

Enhanced Customer Lookup

When enabled, selection automatically includes the account number, customer name, address (line 1), and company. For each row, the column cell matching the lookup text will be indicated by a grey background color. Even when more than one column for the same row (customer) has a match, only the column with the first lookup match is highlighted. With enhanced lookup enabled and any text is specified in the text-area, there is no "more" option provided and the maximum number of matches shown is 70. This means that if more than 70 matches exist, not all will be shown, and you may have to either enter additional text to narrow the selection or use other (alternate) selection options instead.


Depending upon the primary look-up used by the control, exact matches on either the customer's name or account do not provide a selection list. Customer selection controls use either the name or account number as indicated by the label associated with the control (usually displayed on the left-hand side).

If no entry is made in the text area, or if the user chooses selection involving the alternate menu, the enhanced lookup feature is not used. In these cases, customer account selection still provides the "more" option, and works as it would without enhanced search enabled.

Typically, the more text entered, the shorter and more useful the listing of matching results will be.

Enhanced lookup options must be enabled by support. This is done only upon request and involves setting some parameters and populating lookup tables via a support utility. If for some reason, an "enhanced" search is disabled, the tables will need to be repopulated again if it is re-enabled in the future. Look up key data is removed when account or items are modified if the enhanced look-up is not enabled.

Wildcard searches (using the % character) are not supported when using enhanced lookup features.