Reporting - Preview (F8) Function

Preview (F8)

The Preview (F8) function can be used to display a report in the Viewer form. Viewing a report is strongly suggested before choosing to either print or process a report as a file since this can be used to both see the printed length in pages and also to check the report format based on the options you have selected. In addition, reports can be printed directly from the viewer itself which also allows for the added benefit of printing only selected page or pages and well as additional options your printer may offer.


Each time preview is selected, the report will be generated which requires a retrieval of data. In some cases, and based on the criteria selected, you may be warned about the quantity of data being retrieved. Often, receiving a message such as this indicates that your report's selection criteria are too broad.


When should I save or print a copy of a report?

Despite the fact that most reports can be run at any time and usually for any period, the data used for reporting is rarely static. Anytime you want or need to retain a "snap shot" at a particular point in time, the only reliable way to do so is by saving the report as a file (PDF, etc.) or printing a hard copy for your records. Later changes such as merging, renaming or renumbering, deletions, and other changes can all affect whether data appears on reports or where it appears in some cases. For example, if you ran a sales analysis for inventory group 11 at the end of the year, and then modified one item in that group to now belong to 62, future reports would no longer show the same total for group 11 or 62. For the most part, changes such as those described here only affect data when viewed in parts rather than as a whole. Using our previous example, viewing total entire sales for all inventory wouldn't be affected by a change to one item's group at a later time.

Using the Viewer

The same viewer is used for both reports and documents. The primary different between viewing a document and a report is that reports don't have document links. Some reports offer dynamic links to documents (within the report) which indirectly provide access to links for those documents. The same viewer window is shared by reports and documents. When more than one report and/or document is viewed (without closing the viewer in between), the prior reports (or documents) can still be viewed by toggling the current document using the "PrevDoc" and "NextDoc" buttons. This is not true when viewing more than one version of the same report or document, however. Although you can change the page size and quantity of pages visible in the viewer (side by side or tiled, for example), you cannot view different documents (or reports) at the same time or side-by-side. The only way to do this would be to open a second viewer from another application session or to save one or more reports/documents prior to viewing and open them as PDF (Portable Document Format) or some other type of file.


For additional information about tools available in the viewer, please Closedclick here.