Reporting - Save (F6) Function

Save (F6)

This function is provided for saving the current report settings (selection, filter on, totals, branch, etc.) for future use or scheduling. The ability to save report settings is not provided for all reports. Additionally, users may have to make a change in the report form before this function becomes available (since there is usually no need to save the default or initial settings).

Once all desired settings have been made and you have previewed the report to make sure it's what you need, choose Save (F6) to save your settings for future use or scheduling. Saved reports can be deleted (with certain restrictions) using the Menu Marker Menu_Marker_Icon1 found on the Select Report Settings form (accessed by the Select (F5) function). See the "Deleting Saved Reports" section for more details.

Save (F6)

Save Report Settings

Report Name

This defaults to the name of the current report, but can be modified. The "name" will be used for selection in the future.


The description also defaults to the current report's name, but can be modified. This might be used for longer or more descriptive information about the report.

Save As

The "private" and "public" options determine whether your report settings will be available for use by others in your company.

  • Private : Private report settings are only visible to the user who created them.

  • Public : Public report settings can be accessed by any user with permission to use the current report.