ProLink - Home

The home view displays the consumer's account summary as well as contact information for their assigned sales person (if any) and their currently selected store (location) including the address, phone number, and web site. The branch logo (top) and promotional banner (bottom) are displayed here if images have been designated in the Branch Setup maintenance form (located on the Database menu in the Maintenance area of the software). The promotional banner can be closed by the app user.


Account or Job Summary

This section of the home view displays a summary of the consumer's account balances and may allow them to submit a payment on account in some cases. Information displayed in this panel will vary based upon the billing level of the account (account or job).



This is the sum of all aged balances including finance charges for the account or job (if job billed). Aged balances include the remaining amounts of balances that have been previously billed (meaning a statement has been generated). Balances are reduced when payments, credit memos, discounts, and/or credit adjustments are applied either manually via the Posting transaction on the Receivables menu or automatically when monthly billing processes. Open item accounts tend to require more manual maintenance (Posting) whereas "balance forward" accounts typically can be handled either manually or automatically by your company.


This is the total of credits that have not yet been applied to balances and/or open items for the account or job (if job billed). This total reduces the amount due and total figures (shown below). Credits include the sum of payments, credit memos, and credit adjustments; however, it does not consider statement discount. If the customer is eligible for a statement discount, they would typically retain a credit on their account for any amount they overpay once their payment is applied.

Amount Due

This is the outstanding less credits total for the account or job (if job billed).

New Charges

New charges is the total amount due that has not yet been billed (current cycle) for the account or job (if job billed). This amount is not technically due yet; however, will be billed if not paid by the next statement. If the customer wanted to pay-off their account in total, they can submit a payment that includes new charges.


This is the sum of the amount due and new charges for the account or job (if job billed).

Making a Payment

In order for a customer to make a payment, a number of conditions must be met. For more information about how payments work with the app, click here.

Store Representative

This section is only displayed in the home view if the consumer's receivables account has an assigned user (sales person). The sales person is designated on the Codes tab of Account Maintenance form. The information regarding the "store representative" comes from the User ID data. This information includes the user's first and last name as well as their Email and cell phone number if designated. If no Email or phone number are set for the user, nothing is displayed.

Store Representative (Assigned User)

Store Representative (Assigned User)

Icons next to the Email and phone number are displayed and offer shortcuts to initiating either a new mail message or telephone call from your device (if your device is capable of either).

Location Contact Information

This panel on the home view displays information for the selected store location as well as the web site indicated in the ProLink parameters (if any). The address and phone number are listed for the location that the user has currently selected. If only one store location exists or has been enabled for ProLink, it is automatically the default selection and its information is displayed. The 4-character branch ID ("1000" in our example) is listed to the left of the branch's ProLink name in the title bar of the panel. This is followed by the primary branch address (not the billing or ship-to) and phone number. These branch settings are located in the Branch Setup form located on the Maintenance area's Database menu in the application. The web site (if any) is the "dealer web site" from the "ProLink" tab of the Parameters form, not the branch settings.

Location Information

Location Information

The "map" icon can be used to open the device's default mapping app (if any) to find the address listed. If the device is phone-capable, the phone icon can be used to call the store from the device. If a web site is listed, it can be accessed by pressing the cloud (Internet) icon.