ProLink - Account

The account view offers additional details regarding the status of the consumer's account with your company. The view comprised of a number of vertically scrolling panels that each display related information regarding. When the consumer's account is assigned a billing type of "job," certain content can be displayed as either "consolidated" (the sum of all jobs) or "job" (just the information for the selected job). In the case of a job billed account, the job selection control is provided. If the consumer's account is job billing but only has a master job (zero), selection is assumed and not required.

Account View: Job Selection

Account View: Job Selection

General Information

This panel lists address and phone information about the selected job or the account (if no job selection has been made). This includes the name, company, address lines (2), city, state, and postal code. Address lines (1 and 2) are only shown if they are used. The phone number is also listed if available. This information can be updated from the Account Maintenance form or Job Maintenance form available from the Database menus found in either the Point of Sale or Receivables areas in the software. Address formatting may vary by region.

General Information

General Information

Store Representative

This section is only displayed in the home view if the consumer's receivables account has an assigned user (sales person). The sales person is designated on the Codes tab of Account Maintenance form. The information regarding the "store representative" comes from the User ID data. This information includes the user's first and last name as well as their Email and cell phone number if designated. If no Email or phone number are set for the user, nothing is displayed.

Store Representative (Assigned User)

Store Representative (Assigned User)

Icons next to the Email and phone number are displayed and offer shortcuts to initiating either a new mail message or telephone call from your device (if your device is capable of either).


This panel lists some information about the consumer's sales activity. The information presented will reflect the overall (consolidated) account when no job selection has been made. If a job has been selected, the information only reflects the selected job.

Activity Panel

Activity Panel

Last Charge Date

This date is the date of the last charge sale transaction (invoice) processed to the consumer's account or the selected job. This would not include any cash-type transaction that did not involve an "in-house" charge (receivables) amount.

Last Sale Date

This is the date of the last sale (invoice) transaction processed to the consumer's account or the selected job involving any payment method (including sales involving a receivable's charge).

Last Payment Date

This is the date of the last payment processed from the software for the consumer's account or the selected job. This date does not reflect pending payments made via the ProLink app.

Last Payment Amount

This is the amount of the most recent payment processed from the software for the consumer's account or the selected job. This amount does not reflect pending payments made via the ProLink app.

Activity Sales Figures

Sales figures do not include sales tax and are not reduced by any past or future statement (early payment) discounts unless they were applied at Point of Sale for cash-type payment. In addition, certain item types, such as sales of gift cards, are not included in sales totals. Any adjustments are typically considered by sales figures and can either increase or decrease the sales amount. The four (4) periods listed are defined as follows:

YTD Sales (Year-to-Date)

This is the sum of all sales made involving the consumer's account or the selected job for the current calendar year. This figure does not represent the prior 12 months. It represent a partial year's sales until the last day of the calendar year. This figure is zero at the beginning of each new year.

MTD Sales (Month-to-Date)

This is the sum of all sales made involving the consumer's account or the selected job for the current calendar month. This is based on the calendar month only, so it usually represents a partial month period, and is not the same as the "last 30 days." This figure will be zero at the beginning of a new month.

Prior Month Sales

This is the sum of all sales made involving the consumer's account or the selected job for the prior (last) calendar month. This is month that immediately preceded the current month, not the same month for the prior year.

Prior Year Sales

This is the sum of all sales made involving the consumer's account or the selected job for the entire previous calendar year. This period is not for the prior "year-to-date," so comparisons between the YTD Sales and this figure are usually comparing a partial year to a full year's sales activity.

Balances (Consolidated or Job)

The balances panel is similar to the account/job summary found on the "Home" view. The primary difference is that we include the credit limit and available credit as well as balance summary information. Detailed aging is not shown, but can be viewed on statement documents. When the consumer is billed by job, but no job selection has been made, this panel's heading "Balances" will be followed by the word "Consolidated." Job balances only apply to consumer accounts that are billed by job.

Balances Consolidated

Balances Consolidated

Credit Limit

This is the total credit limit assigned to the consumer's account.

Credit Available

This is the consumer's credit limit plus any unapplied credits (returns, payments, and credit adjustments) and less any outstanding balances, new charges, and pending transactions (open orders, work orders, etc.). Due to pending transactions, the "available" may not match the limit less the total due. This should be explained to the consumer should they notice and ask about it.


This is the sum of all aged balances including finance charges for the account or job (if job billed). Aged balances include the remaining amounts of balances that have been previously billed (meaning a statement has been generated). Balances are reduced when payments, credit memos, discounts, and/or credit adjustments are applied either manually via the Posting transaction on the Receivables menu or automatically when monthly billing processes. Open item accounts tend to require more manual maintenance (Posting) whereas "balance forward" accounts typically can be handled either manually or automatically by your company.


This is the total of credits that have not yet been applied to balances and/or open items for the account or job (if job billed). This total reduces the amount due and total figures (shown below). Credits include the sum of payments, credit memos, and credit adjustments; however, it does not consider statement discount. If the customer is eligible for a statement discount, they would typically retain a credit on their account for any amount they overpay once their payment is applied.

Amount Due

This is the outstanding less credits total for the account or job (if job billed).

New Charges

New charges is the total amount due that has not yet been billed (current cycle) for the account or job (if job billed). This amount is not technically due yet; however, will be billed if not paid by the next statement. If the customer wanted to pay-off their account in total, they can submit a payment that includes new charges.


This is the sum of the amount due and new charges for the account or job (if job billed).

Making a Payment

In order for a customer to make a payment, a number of conditions must be met. For more information about how payments work with the ProLink app, click here.


This panel provides options to view either past statements or to produce a "current" statement document.

Main Menu > Account

Statement Options

Generate Current Statement

The "generate current statement" is the same as the current statement option available from the Status inquiry available from the Receivables, Inquiry menu. This is a "to-date" statement and is not exactly the same as the actual bill the consumer (customer) would receive.

Show Past Statements

The "show past statements" button provides a listing of statement documents from the most (newest) to the least (oldest) recent in increments of 25-documents. This provides the same exact results as the Documents feature would if using a filter by document type of "statement." The consumer can use the "load more" button at the end of the list to retrieve additional documents. For consumer accounts that are billed by job, each job would display a statement. The listing provides the document number, date/time, type (always "statements" in this case), and job name. For accounts that are not billed by job, no job name would appear. In addition, no job name is listed the summary statement if used with a job billed account. Totals are not listed for statement documents. This is intentional since statements may involve a multiple totals when discounts are offered for on-time or early payment.