Manual Card Entry

This new feature in VeriFone version 2_0_4_7 and later allows a Point of Sale user to choose “Manual Entry” from the Menu Marker on the Bankcard payment panel in a Point of Sale transaction.

When selected, the customer is prompted to enter their card number and expiration date on the pad. The customer must press the enter/accept key on the pad after manual entry.


Having the customer enter the card information is considered more secure than having the cashier enter the card information themselves. If the CVV2 number is entered on the Process (F12) form prior to card entry, it will also be transmitted with the data.

Manual card entry is sometimes automatically requested if a bad read on the magnetic stripe happens after 3 swipes. Note: this is not triggered if the customer swipes their card on the wrong side (without the stripe) nor does it occur if the stripe is empty (has no data).