Inventory Folders > Usage

The Usage tab displays up to three years of usage for the current item (the "active" item in the grid). Usage is comprised of sales (returns reduce usage) as well as use of the item for manufacturing purposes. It does not include transfers from one location to another nor does it include adjustments. Some transactions don't affect usage such as Direct Sales. Quantity information is repeated on this tab for reference.


The selected item's current stock status and purchase settings (minimum and maximum) are listed for reference:

On-hand is the quantity of the product that should be in your company's possession but may not be the amount available for sale (available quantity reflects the quantity available for sale).

On-order is the quantity that has been ordered from a vendor for stock replenishment (the quantity of the item on open and "ordered" purchase orders).

Commit (committed) lists the quantity of the item on open customer orders (the quantity already reserved for customers who ordered the product).

The "Available" is the quantity that is eligible for sale (it is the on-hand less the committed quantity).

Minimum is the re-order point for the product. It is the lowest quantity to be maintained in inventory before an item is re-ordered.

The "maximum" is the highest quantity that your company wants to maintain to be fully stocked. This would be used when determining the quantity to order from a vendor to replenish quantities you have sold or used.

Quantity Used

These totals list total quantities used for the current month (MTD), current year (YTD), and for the previous or prior year (PYR). The "PYR" total is for the entire year and is not a year-to-date figure.

YTD Transfers

If the item has been transferred either in or out of the current branch location, the total quantity transferred will display here.

Usage Table & Graphing

A graph function is available by clicking on the graph icon clip0551 on the usage grid. There are 2 options listed on the menu: show bar chart and show data grid. The "data" grid is the default display (3 columns of usage quantities for each of the three years, 12 rows for each month of the year and a row for totals). The "bar" chart uses the quantities to create a graphical display for a month and year comparison (see below).

When the bar chart is displayed, another graphical icon appears clip0553. The hour glass icon expands the graph to a more readable size (see below... image has been reduced from its original size).
