
The Home (ALT-M) option on the application tool bar returns the user to either the main application menu or the user's selected "home" page under Favorites (ALT-A). There is no drop down menu associated with the Home (Alt-M) tool.

Users can specify any activity screen as their home page. If done, the user's "home" activity will automatically be accessed whenever they sign on. For example, someone who works in your purchasing department might want to set Order Entry under Purchasing as their home page. When they first sign on or click on Home (Alt-M), no matter where they are, they'll be taken to Order Entry.

A warning will appear if a user is in the middle of another activity when the Home option is selected.

How do I change or remove my "home" page?

The home page default can be easily changed. Navigate to another option you'd prefer as your "home" activity and select the "Make Home Page" option again from Favorites. To remove an activity-based home page, navigate to the main application menu using F10 (menu) and re-select the "Make Home Page." The standard application menu will now be the home location.