Payouts Point of Sale Mapping

Pay outs are a Point of Sale activity involving funds paid out by your company that are not sale related (no inventory or sales tax is affected). This includes petty cash withdrawals, customer order deposit refunds, and check cashing.









Credit (-)





Debit (+)

Detail Mapping


Cash - Deposit Refund


Credit (-)



Check - Deposit Refund


Credit (-)



Bank Cards - Deposit Refund


Credit (-)



Gift Card - Deposit Refund


Credit (+)



Coupon - Deposit Refund


Credit (+)



Charge Deposit Refund


Credit (-)



Order Deposits


Debit (-)



Cash - Check Cashing


Credit (-)



Check - Check Cashing


Debit (+)


*Indicates the type of entry, either debit or credit. The + or - indicates whether the debit or credit represents and increase or decrease for the specific class of account (asset, liability, income, etc.).

44. Cash (Asset)

This asset account balance will be reduced (credited) when cash is paid out due to a petty cash transaction. Separate "cash" asset accounts can be mapped for order deposit refunds and check cashing. Typically, the account mapped here would be either a "petty cash" or "cash on hand" type asset account depending upon how your company handles cash in the chart of accounts.

45. Pay out (Expense)

This expense account balance is increased (debited) when a petty cash pay out is processed. Detailed mapping is available for pay outs for petty cash. This allows the user to select the expense account that should be debited when petty cash is reduced. If detailed mapping is not set up, the account mapped here in the system journal is used instead.

(Sequence #46 is intentionally skipped, see the Payments mapping topic listed before this topic for information on this item)

47. Cash-Deposit Refund (Asset)

This asset account is reduced (credited) when a customer order deposit is refunded from the Pay outs activity in the Point of Sale area. The debit offset to an entry for this account is the Order Deposits liability account listed under sequence #53.

48. Check-Deposit Refund (Asset)

If a customer order deposit is returned using check as a refund method, the balance of this asset account is reduced (credited). There are really 2 ways this can be utilized. In the Pay outs screen for the selection "deposit refunds," users can choose a payment method of check. Your company should decide whether "check" means either (1) a customer's check is being returned from the drawer or (2) a refund check is being generated from Accounts Payable at a later time. Only one method or the other should be used consistently. It's possible to map a "refund checks" liability account instead of an asset if your company plans on using the later case. Company policy should determine how this is to be used. The liability account mapped for "order deposits" (see sequence #53 below) is the debit offset that reduces your company's open deposit balance in the ledger.

49. Bank Cards-Deposit Refund (Asset)

When a refund for a customer order deposit is done using a payment method of bank card, this asset account is reduced by a credit entry. The offset to this entry is a debit that reduces the "order deposits" account mapped under sequence #53 (see below).

50. Gift Card-Deposit Refund (Liability)

Customer order deposits can be refunded to a gift card instead of a cash-type payment method (checks and bank cards are considered "cash"). The offset to this credit entry is a debit to the order deposits liability account (see #53 below).

51. Coupon-Deposit Refund (Liability)

If a coupon was accepted as payment toward an order deposit and is being returned to the customer as a payment method during a deposit refund, the balance of this liability account will be increased by a credit entry. The offset to this is a debit to reduce the balance of the "order deposits" liability account.

52. Charge-Deposit Refund (Asset)

Order deposits can be charged to a customer's account, so a refund of an order deposit can also be credited to their charge account. Deposit refunds using the payment method of charge will credit (reduce) the balance of the asset account mapped here. This account typically belongs to the Accounts Receivable group or title account section in the chart of accounts. The debit offset to this entry decreases the balance of the "order deposits" liability account mapped in #53 (below).

53. Order Deposits (Liability)

This is the liability account that maintains a balance of all open customer order deposits. New deposits increase the balance of this account. When orders are sold using a deposit, the balance of this account is reduced. If a deposit is refunded, the balance of this account must be reduced by a debit entry. The offset to this debit is a credit entry based on the payment method selected for refund (cash, checks, charge, coupon, or gift card).

54. Cash-Check Cashing (Asset)

When "check cashing" is selected as a pay-out function, this account is reduced by a credit entry. Typically, the account used here will be some kind of "cash on hand" type account rather than an account used for balancing an actual bank account. The offsetting debit is made to the account mapped under "check-check cashing" (sequence #55).

55. Check-Check Cashing (Asset)

This asset account is increased (debited) when a check is received and cash is paid out. The offset to this is the asset account listed under #54, "cash-check cashing." This account might be your actual bank account if checks are deposited regularly, or it could be another account used for holding the day's cash/check until an actual deposit is done.