Folders, Item, Quantities - Explained


The Quantities panel displays selected item's current stock status and purchase settings (minimum and maximum) for reference. Often, this information is displayed on more than one tab in the set of folders. Some quantities are not always shown depending upon the area the quantity panel is displayed in. The item's BASE (stock) unit of measure (UM) is displayed above the quantities in parentheses for reference.

Quantity On Hand (OnHand)

On-hand is the quantity of the product that should be in your company's possession, but may not be the amount available for sale (available quantity reflects the quantity available for sale, if shown).

Quantity On Order (OnOrder)

On-order is the quantity that has been ordered from a vendor for stock replenishment (the quantity of the item on open and "ordered" purchase orders).

Quantity Committed

Commit (committed) lists the quantity of the item on open customer orders, work orders, and pending transfers (the quantity already reserved for fulfilling customer orders, manufacturing or needed by other branches).


If shown, this is the quantity that is available for sale (it is the on-hand less the committed quantity). Available can be negative if the committed exceeds the on-hand.

Physical Count (Phys Cnt)

If shown, this is the most recent physical count quantity for the item. Counts are cumulative, so this represents the sum of all counts that either were most recently posted or have yet to be posted. Initializing counts sets this quantity to zero.

Minimum Quantity (Min Qty)

Minimum is the re-order quantity for the product. It is the lowest quantity to be maintained in inventory before an item is re-ordered. Minimum quantity is one of several factors in determining when a product is ordered if using automated builds.

Maximum Quantity (Max Qty)

The "maximum" is the highest quantity that your company wants to maintain to be fully stocked. This would be used when determining the quantity to order from a vendor to replenish quantities your company has sold or used.

Quantities may display decimal values up to 4-decimal places. This is only done if there is a decimal portion to the quantity value.