F7 - Replace

The Replace (F7) function is used to change one or more items in the grid to some other item number. This would be useful if a customer originally requested an item that is out of stock and another similar item is available for substitution, for example.



The replace function can be done for all items ("All Items Entered"), selected (highlighted) items only, or just for items matching a product group you specify.


There are three (3) ways to find and replace items as well. In all cases, items are only replaced if the resulting "match" represents an actual item in your branch's inventory. Match an entire item SKU, a prefix, or a suffix.


If using the "item" option, both the replace and with items must be valid stock numbers (partial matches don't work with this selection).


When using the "prefix" option, both the replace and with fields should be just the prefix number(s) or character(s) (the beginning of the stock number). For example, if item 12CDX is being replaced with item 38CDX, the replace prefix is "12" and the with prefix will be "38."


The "suffix" choice works in a similar way. Only enter the suffix (end) of the stock number in both the "replace" and "with" fields. For example, if the item is 2410PT and you want to replace it with 2410SYP, use "PT" as the replace suffix and "SYP" as the with suffix. The replace routine will attempt to locate items that end with "SYP" and begin with the same characters as the "PT" items.