
The E-Blast (Mass Emailing) feature provides a simple tool to send a group of related emails using the contact information already available in your software. Basically, this form allows you to access customer and vendor contact information for sending a plain-text email with one attachment (required). You can use this to send an email message to one or many different contacts at the same time. All contact addresses associated with the email are sent as BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) recipients to protect their privacy. Because a limited number of (email) addresses may be stored with any given email record, a single message may be split into batches. The number in each batch may vary due to the varying lengths of the addresses.

Here, we supply the instructions and extra details for sending these messages.

To access the E-Blast feature and send E-Blast messages:

1. From the Main Menu choose Office > E-Blast. The Mass E-mailing form displays.


2. Choose the audience for your E-Blast by selecting one of these radio buttons:

  • Accounts
    Choose this option if you want to send the E-Blast to one or more accounts.
    Then choose either the POS Contact or AR Contact radio button depending on the responsibilities of the person you want to receive the E-Blast. These contact options are only available for Accounts and Custom E-Blasts.

  • Vendors
    Choose this option if you want to send the E-Blast to one or more vendors.

  • Custom
    Choose this option to send the E-Blast to a wider group that may include both Accounts and Vendors.
    If you are adding Accounts to the list of recipients, choose either the POS Contact or AR Contact radio button depending on the responsibilities of the person you want to receive the E-Blast.

    As you choose from these options, new selection options are available. These selection options are discussed in detail below in the Selecting the E-Blast Recipients section.

3. When you have completed your selection entries and settings, choose the View (F7) key to populate the list of E-Blast recipients you have specified.

4. Review the list of recipients and click the Sel check box beside each email entry you want to receive the E-Blast.
See Populating the Distribution List for more about this task.

5. Then complete the additional fields required to send the E-Blast.

  • From
    Typically, this field prefills with the email address of the user who is creating the E-Blast, but you can enter the reply to address you want the recipient to have for this communication.

  • Subject
    Enter the Subject line text as you want it to display for the recipients. This entry is required.

  • Attached
    Click the Ellipsis button and navigate to the folder that contains the attachment you want to add to the E-Blast. Select the file from the list and choose Open.

  • Message
    Enter the message you want to appear in the E-Blast, which conveys the reason for the communication.

    For more information about these entries, see the Message Fields section below.

6. When you have completed these entries and settings and you are ready to send the E-Blast, choose Process (F12). The application reports any warnings or errors, if any. If there are no task list items, the messages will be added to the standard email queue for immediate processing. The application creates batches for E-Blasts with a large number of recipients. The number of recipients per message will vary based on the combined lengths of the addresses (recipients up to 1024-characters in total are allowed). Just so you don't send an email before you're ready, a confirmation "Yes/No" prompt is provided when processing.

The Email, Fax & Print Queue utility can be used to check the status of E-Blast messages (a separate check box is provided so that these can be separated from other email).

Selecting the E-Blast Recipients

Accounts or vendor contacts can be selected by two different methods. There are three radio buttons in the upper left-hand corner of the form labeled: Accounts, Vendors, and Custom. The accounts and vendors selections offer basic selection options similar to what you would find on reports that involve either customers (accounts) or vendors. With the "accounts" selection, you have the ability to choose from either the POS (Point of Sale) Contact (from the job #0 record) or the AR Contact (from the "master" or "main" account record). The custom option allows you to specify additional criteria based on a choice of field selections, operators, and values. For example, you could use the "custom" option to only select customers who have a credit limit > 0 and a last sale date greater than the end of the prior year. As many "custom" conditions may be added as you need.

All Accounts


The custom selection option still requires a choice of either customer or vendor records; however, it also permits you to define "Custom" conditions to which to apply to the selection of records. Each rule involves three parts:

A "data field" that a some value you define will be compared with. Data fields are all assigned a "type" that defines what kind of values the field maintains (dates, numbers, text, etc.).

An "operator" that determines how the comparison is made (equal to, greater than, etc.). Different operators will be offered depending upon the type of data the field represents.

A "value" that is the same data type as the "data field" you selected (date, integer, string, Boolean (true/false), etc.).


When you specify more than one "custom" rule, you also must decide whether (a) the new rule is to be applied in addition to and including the previous rule (AND) or (b) if either rule should be applied to selection (OR). Two radio buttons ("AND" and "OR") are presented for this purpose. The appropriate choice should be made prior to adding the rule. The default is "AND."

Here's an example using a sample list of customers...

Account #

Credit Limit

Outstanding Balance



$ 25.92



$ 0.00



$ 3,251.84



$ 7,5819.00

If we were to establish two custom selection criteria of the following:

Credit Limit > 0 AND OutStanding Balance > 0

The result would be a selection of the two accounts: 001019 and 090051. This is because they are the only accounts that meet both selection criteria.

Instead, if we use the same criteria but an "OR" comparison, the results would include all 4 accounts because each account meets either or both of the criteria.

Credit Limit > 0 OR OutStanding Balance > 0


Conditions or "rules" are evaluated from top-to-bottom (the same order as they were entered) in relationship to the grid.

Conditions may be deleted by choosing "delete" from the alternate menu on the grid or selecting a row and pressing the "delete" key on your keyboard.

Populating the Distribution List

The middle area of the form has a grid control that will list any contacts matching the criteria you specify. This grid is only populated after using the View (F7) function key. The only contacts who are included with be either the primary AR (Receivables) contact for the account or POS (Point of Sale) contact for the master job. Accounts may have other contacts who are not assigned to either.


Contacts are added to the grid regardless of whether or not an email address is linked with the contact; however, when selecting recipients, you can only select a contact (row) that has an email address.

The "Sel" (select) column contains check boxes which are used to indicate which contacts are to be included as recipients for the email message. Selection may be done either manually or by using the "Select All" or "Clear All" options available on the Menu Marker's Menu_Marker_Icon1 context menu. Only contacts with a value in the "Email Address" column may be selected in either case. Email addresses are not checked as to whether they are valid, so it's suggested that the user scan through the listing and clear the check box for any invalid entries.


Message Fields

The text fields in the lower area of the form are used for defining the message and adding an attachment (required). The number of contacts ("Count") and number of possible recipients ("Selected") are also shown for reference in this area.



The "from" address is the address used as both the "from" and default "reply-to" address when the email is sent. It's possible and suggested that you include both a name and address. Another aspect to consider is that any replies from recipients or rejected messages (bounce-backs) will also use the same address. The address should therefore be a valid email account that the user sending the messages has access to.


A subject is required. Email recipients typically select mail messages based on the subject and/or from address. The length of the subject is limited to 50-characters.


The attachment is really the point of the message and is required. This may be a sales flier, letter, etc. You should consider the format of the files you transmit especially in regard to whether the recipients will be able to access them. For example, if you attach a Microsoft Word document, recipients with out Microsoft Office (and the correct version in some cases) won't be able to open/read the attachment. PDF (Portable Document File) formats are commonly used for documents and require free software (Adobe Reader), so that is a good choice in most cases. Plain text or HTML files are other possible formats that would be compatible with a variety of devices and operating systems. It's best to avoid extremely large attachments or any unusual file types since these may be rejected by some mail servers. Attachments for hosted customers will be in their "workresources/shared folder" as this is where they must save files.


The "message" area is for defining the body or text of the email. Email is sent with plain text formatting, so you should not use any type of formatting or HTML within the body text. The message length is limited to 512-characters (including any control or other characters such as carriage returns, spaces, etc.) so it's best to keep messages as short as possible. If you want to send a longer message, consider including the message as part of the attachment.

*If you have defined addendum text in the Parameters form, it will be added to the end of any message you send. This can be used to include "opt-out", privacy, or any other information as needed.