Code Definitions > Seasonal Codes

Seasonal codes can be optionally associated with items and are used for purchasing (automated builds specifically). They determine the time period in months when an item should be ordered. Seasonal codes can be used to ensure that you aren't automatically ordering goods out of season. In the Northeast, two examples of seasonal goods are snow shovels and lawn mowers. There's no need to stock lawn mowers in the winter months and not much chance of selling snow shovels in the summer either.

One important point, however, is that a seasonal code should be based on the months an item is ordered and not necessarily the months an item is sold during. Using one of our Northeast examples, although we'd likely be selling snow shovels during the winter months, the orders for those shovels would probably be placed early in the winter season or in the fall. Often, with seasonal items, a company is not likely to re-order seasonal goods late in the season they are normally sold. This is true because replenishing stock late in the season increases the chance of having money tied up in inventory that won't be able to be sold until the next year.

Seasonal codes can be added, modified, and deleted from this form. Codes can also be added and modified from the Item Maintenance area. It's best to only delete seasonal codes that are not in use by items.