Code Definitions > Returns

The "Returns" tab is used for defining return reason codes and descriptions for used with both standard and enhanced vendor returns. Enhanced returns may optionally be used with either stocked or stocked products. If enhanced return options are not enabled, the standard non-stock return form will use these defined codes. These codes appear in a drop down of "reasons" for selection when returning a product. Return codes may not be modified after being saved; however, you can change the associated descriptions at any time. Up to 32-characters are allowed for the code description. Return reasons are listed alphabetically by code (after processing) here and in the reason drop down.

Warning! If you delete a return reason code, the deleted code and description will no longer print or display on documents. You can always re-add the same code again if this causes a problem; however the original description is not retained and will need to be re-entered.

Code Definitions: Return Reasons

Code Definitions: Return Reasons