Branch Lists

Branch Lists (Maintenance, Database) can be useful for companies who have 3 or more locations. When multiple locations are in use, companies may group certain locations together (Western division vs. Eastern division, for example). Branch lists can be used for this purpose. For example, a customer's account may be assigned to a "branch list" for Point of Sale. If done, the customer's account will only be available for Point of Sale selection/entry in the branches that list includes.

Main Menu > Maintenance > Database > Branch Lists

If creating a new list, begin by entering a list name in the "Branch List ID" field. Next, place a check next to the branch locations that should be included in the list. Once the branches are designated, use the Save (F6) function to add the list to the database. Once a list is on file, it may be modified from this same area. Branch lists can be deleted using the menu marker Menu_Marker_Icon1 as long as they aren't in use. If you want to modify an existing list, the Save (F6) function won't become active (enabled) until after you make a change to the existing list's branch selections.

Branch lists can be used from the Account database to designate a specific branch list for determining Point of Sale or Receivables access, for example. From the account database, users can select a "branch list" using the alternate menu button on either their mouse or keyboard. In addition, branch lists are available for use in some branch selection areas, such as those found on reports, by clicking on the Blue_Check icon.
