Using the Ideas Portal

The ECIProduct team wants to hear from you! The Ideas Portal makes it easier for you to tell us what you and your teams need to be successful with our software! Tell us what works and what doesn’t so we can build solutions that help your business grow!

Ideas Portal Landing Form

Send us your suggestions, search for ideas that others have submitted, comment on and vote on those ideas to promote their adoption. This portal gives you a window into the suggestions others have so you can consider their ideas too so you can vote on their importance from your own perspective.

IMPORTANT: This is not a place to share your Support-related issues. If you submit support requests here, you will need to submit them again using the normal process. You can use your support issues as an example if it helps you make your point, though.

Accessing the Ideas Portal and Getting Started

To access the Ideas Portal:

1. From the Toolbar, click Help > Ideas Portal. The Ideas Portal landing form (shown above) displays.

2. Click Subscribe to add your email address and create a password.

3. Click to write your first idea.

When you contribute your ideas and review the ideas of others, you can consider whether they will work for your company. Add your comments and vote on the suggestions to promote features you think would be beneficial to your teams. Pin ideas you are interested in to stay on top of the ones that matter to you. Categorize your ideas by the area of the application or the special topics that you care about. The Product team will also weigh in with their thoughts and evaluate each feature you present. Even if you are not adding an idea, review and vote on the ideas entered by other businesses. YOUR OPINION COUNTS! Literally!

How do I add a Good Idea to the Portal?

Our Product Team is looking for detailed, specific suggestions of features you want the application to provide. An example of a helpful feature idea might be:

  • "I use the Build feature to pull my order together every week and it slows me down when I need to reference the catalog to find manufacturer's SKU for a product. I would like to view the manufacturer name and the manufacturer SKU in the Inventory folder."

That is a suggestion we can work on; better than:

  • “Display manufacturer info.”

These suggestions do not have to be long, but they need to be detailed enough that we can use them to communicate the solution you are looking for.