Payouts > Check Cashing

The Check Cashing payout option provides a way of tracking checks cashed from the drawer. It is a policy decision of each company whether or not check cashing is allowed as well as any conditions placed on who is permitted to do so. Independent services are available that allow for check validation. It's important to realize that the software performs absolutely no validation of any check information entered in this form, so it's strongly suggested that check cashing only be used for checks that are fully trusted (such as your own payroll checks, etc.). Access to the Payout area can be limited by user security settings. Check cashing creates a payout document along with information related to the user and station where the transaction was conducted.


Process (F12)

Processing for Payouts is fairly basic. There are only two tabs: print and transmit. Payment methods are not necessary with Check Cashing because "cash" is implied. Since no customer is involved, most Email and fax related fields are not automatically populated.

Payouts-Check_Cashing_Process Payouts-Check_Cashing_Process2