Setting up the Orgill Mapping Overrides

Mapping Overrides provide options and preferences for EDI processing. The selections vary by vendor and not all are used with every vendor (options that don't apply are disabled and show the text "<Default>" in light gray text color). Override settings are accessed from the Branch Setup maintenance form's EDI tab via a context menu Menu_Marker_Icon.

Overrides, as well as other EDI settings, are branch (location) specific. If you have more than one location, changes would need to be made for each branch location. Changes are only saved if the user chooses Process (F12) from the Branch Setup form after making changes or additions.

Main Menu > Maintenance > Database > Branches, EDI, Overrides (Context Menu)

Submit PO

Five (5) overrides are provided for Orgill purchase order submission:


2.PO Send X12 Format

3.X12 PO w/Program Code

4.PO Send w/Retail*

5.PO Send w/Price0*

These formats are used for sending (transmitting) order data to Orgill, Inc. Use "<Default>" unless your company has been instructed otherwise. The "PO Send w/Retail" and "PO Send w/Price0" options send either the item's suggested list or store retail (price level 0) price with the data. This is done by adding a DT2 record for each item ordered. The price is placed in positions 4-12 (zero filled).


Users can select any override from the Transmit, EDI tab on the Process (F12) form in Purchasing, Order Entry. Defaults set here (Mapping Overrides) will be used as the "regular order" format when placing an order.

*Available with release and later (January 2018).

Note: The X12 options are not used by the vast majority of companies doing EDI with Orgill, Inc. and should not be selected unless you have been instructed otherwise. "X12" is a standardized and widely used XML file format used for a wide variety of EDI processing. In the case of Orgill, Inc., the X12 format is only used if your company submits your purchase order data as X12 850 via a third party VAN (Value Added Network) instead of the usual method of transmission. The only difference between the two (2) X12 formats is that the second ("with program code") sends the program code in the REF segment of the XML data.

PO Update

No overrides provided.

PO Update Sort Order

This override is available for all EDI features. Choices include the following: None, ItemNumber, and Tote. Your selection determines whether purchase order details are to be re-ordered based on either the item number or tote when updated by EDI processing with receiving quantities and costs. In addition, the PO Update Sort Order selection is used by the Tags & Labels feature when copying a Purchase Order (using the Import (F2) function). If the override for sorting is set to anything other than None, the application retains the sort order of the purchase order's item details.

  • None
    Use the None selection to preserve the original order that the purchase order details were entered in . In this case, the details are not re-ordered by EDI processing.

  • ItemNumber
    Use the ItemNumber selection to sort the purchase order details by the application's item numbers (not the vendor-item SKU).

  • Tote
    Use the Tote selection to refer to the reusable shipping container with loose, incoming shipping merchandise from the vendor. It could also possibly refer to a pallet or other type of container. Use this only if the vendor provides reference to a "tote" in their PO Update data; the application can use this information to update the purchase order data (details).

The sorting preference is available to all EDI features; however, the option was specifically added for Do it Best® members. EDI with Do it Best Corp. does update and use the "EDI Tote" value for purchase order details. Other EDI providers may or may not provide this information with their data.

Price Updates

Not applicable (see File Maintenance).

File Maintenance

The overrides for File Maintenance determine how the Orgill data is used to update your catalog, vendor-items, and inventory items. The options are each linked with one of Orgill, Inc.'s three (3) retail pricing levels: VP1, VP2, and ADV. Please see the table below for additional details:

Document Format


<Default> File Maint VP1

VP1 pricing with updates to Inventory Common* (item) data (includes the common item's UPC, description, department, fineline, class, and discontinued flag). File Maintenance also updates the Catalog and Vendor-item data.

File Maint VP2

VP2 pricing with updates to Inventory Common (item) data (includes the common item's UPC, description, department, fineline, class, and discontinued flag). File Maintenance also updates the Catalog and Vendor-item data.

File Maint ADV

ADV pricing with updates to Inventory Common (item) data (includes the common item's UPC, description, department, fineline, class, and discontinued flag). File Maintenance also updates the Catalog and Vendor-item data.


VP1 pricing updates to Inventory Common (item) data specifically excluding the item's description.


VP2 pricing updates to Inventory Common (item) data specifically excluding the item's description.


ADV pricing updates to Inventory Common (item) data specifically excluding the item's description.


VP1 pricing, but no updates to Inventory Common (item) data.


VP2 pricing, but no updates to Inventory Common (item) data.


ADV pricing, but no updates to Inventory Common (item) data.

Catalog data that's updated includes the following: barcode (UPC), unit cost, unit price, list price, break quantity, description, department/fineline/class codes, model number, manufacturer, order multiple, vendor UM (Unit of Measure), alternate UM, alternate UM conversion quantity, and discontinued status.

Vendor-item data that's updated includes the following: vendor's SKU, order UM, package quantity, order multiple, current unit cost, and current unit cost UM. By "vendor-item," we are referring to the vendor specific purchasing settings located on the Purchasing tab in the Item Maintenance form.

*Inventory "common" data is shared by all branch locations maintaining the item. It includes most of the general information about the item as well as the majority of the settings found on the "common" tabs in Item Maintenance.

Send Remit Advice

Not applicable.

Retrieve Invoices

Not applicable.

Direct Ship PO

Three (3) options are provided: default, "PO Send X12 Format," and "X12 PO w/Program Code." These formats are used for sending (transmitting) direct order data to Orgill, Inc. Use "<Default>" unless your company has been instructed otherwise. Direct orders refer to orders originating from the "Direct Ship" transaction available from the Point of Sale area. Direct ships are orders which are delivered directly to the customer by the supplier.

The X12 options are not used by the vast majority of companies doing EDI with Orgill, Inc. and should not be selected unless you have been instructed otherwise. "X12" is a standardized and widely used XML file format used for a wide variety of EDI processing. In the case of Orgill, Inc., the X12 format is only used if your company submits your purchase order data as X12 850 via a third party VAN (Value Added Network) instead of the usual method of transmission. The only difference between the two (2) X12 formats is that the second ("with program code") sends the program code in the REF segment of the XML data.

Sale Flyer Update

No additional options provided.

POS Data Capture

Not applicable.

Promotional Items

Not applicable.

Warehouse Qty

Not applicable.

Acknowledgment Send

Not applicable.

Acknowledgment Receive

Not applicable.

Catalog Load

No additional options provided.