Manufacturing Process

Manufacturing can be done using a process comprised of user defined steps referred to as "stages". Stages, when used, must be manually marked as completed by a user. The expected duration in days is provided for reference, but doesn't perform any function. Adjustment codes used for labor, etc. can be associated with a manufacturing process. Enter a quantity and unit cost... extended costs are set automatically. Adjustment codes must be defined before use.


Upper Grid: Stages

Stages may be used for tracking the progress of the manufacturing process. Stages are manually advanced. In addition, stages don't change the timing of when goods are deducted from inventory. Use items are deducted only when manufacturing has been completed. The following example shows the "staging" grid from the manufacturing activity (not the "manufacturing process" database form shown above). Users click on the check box next to either the start or end time for the desired stage and the date/time stamp is set. Processing (F12) updates the process with any changes made to the status of a stage(s).


Lower Grid: Adjustments

Adjustments may be assigned to a process ahead of time, added during manufacturing, or a combination of both may be used. The following example shows how adjustments appear and can be modified within the manufacturing activity (not the "manufacturing process" database form). Users can modify or remove any preset adjustments linked with the process and can add additional adjustments as needed.


Adjustments must be set up prior to their use in the Manufacturing Process database or in the Manufacturing activity under the Inventory area. To add new adjustment codes or modify/delete existing ones, choose Database and Adjustment Codes from either the Point of Sale, Inventory, or Purchasing areas.
