Item Inquiry

The Item inquiry (ALT-I) is basically an inquiry-only version of the Item Maintenance form (accessed from the Database menu in the Point of Sale, Purchasing, and Inventory areas). It's safer to give access to inquiry-only areas to the general user than the database areas because changes can be more easily monitored and controlled. Since the inquiry matches the database exactly, there is no need to repeat what has been documented elsewhere. Please, refer to the Item Maintenance documentation for more detailed descriptions.

It is possible to view attachments in inquiry mode.

Note: In the Item Inquiry form, the Continue Mode feature allows customers to choose Next (F1) to move through similar items when performing a partial search. We have updated this feature to retain the item currently being viewed or edited when you choose Cancel (F9). When the form clears, immediately choosing Next (F1) will now load the previously viewed item rather than the first item from the search. In speaking with customers, this made more sense than the previous behavior.